Verboticism: Embareassment

'Yuck! Your dog is trying to kiss me!'

DEFINITION: n. Embarrassing pet behavior; may be perfectly natural for the pet, but often makes humans feel self-conscious or ill at ease. v. To be embarrassed by your pet's beahviour

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: embarasmənt

Sentence: When the family went to the beach, they always took their golden retriever Sam. He was good at keeping an eye on the kids. When he attempted to stop Sarah from going in the water by grabbing her swim suit they all laughed that it looked like the old Coppertone ads. Now that Sarah is 16, they aren\'t laughing so much. Now it’s just an enbareassment.

Etymology: embarassment (a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness) + bare ass

Points: 593