Verboticism: Pressdetout

'Excuse me, but that's my button.'

DEFINITION: v. To push a push-button that has just been pushed by someone else because you "need" to push it yourself; common at elevators, traffic lights, and family meetings. n. A person who "needs" to push their own buttons.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: press dee toot

Sentence: Irma was a pressdetout when it came to elevators. She had to press the buttons for each and every floor. It slowed down the elevator ride for many and caused people to get angry, but she could not help herself. She'd even press the button someone else had already lit up. Some people get the elevator, some just get the shaft...

Etymology: Press (to exert pressure or push on something) & De Tout (Fr: of everything, all) and Wordplay on Prostitute (someone who gets paid to push another's buttons, wink, wink, nod, nod)

Points: 500