Verboticism: Repedittious

'If I don't get this stupid song out of my head...'

DEFINITION: n. A state of reduced mental capacity, caused by an inability to think of anything but an annoying pop song, which seems to be endlessly repeating itself in your mind. v. To play a stupid song in your head, over and over again.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: repəditēəs

Sentence: Rob’s morning is repedittious. Maybe his resistance was down due to a lack of restful sleep, maybe he needed more coffee but an insipid jingle from a commercial bore it’s way into his head and laid eggs. Nothing short of blasting caps seems to be able to remove it. ”The best part of waking up...” He doesn’t even drink coffee.

Etymology: repetitious (over and over esp. when unnecessary or tiresome) + ditty (a short simple song)

Points: 674