Verboticism: Shockward

DEFINITION: v. To share a true but extremely embarrassing story about a close personal friend at the worst possible time. n. A moment of ill-timed honesty.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: shok ward
Sentence: When Melanie got up to give an impromptu speech at her friend Melodie's wedding, people knew that things would become shockward. Melanie had consumed more than her share of bubbly and spoke slurringly, but clearly into the microphone. She was bitter because Melodie was marrying the only man that Melanie had ever loved...the groom, James. Not only did she declare her undying love for him, she announced that she was carrying his baby and wanted him to leave Melodie for her. Even the dance band striking up "YMCA" could not divert people from this debacle.
Etymology: Shock (an unpleasant or disappointing surprise;the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally) & Awkward (hard to deal with; especially causing pain or embarrassment;not at ease socially; unsure and constrained in manner)
Points: 872