Verboticism: Coitentious

'Look how

DEFINITION: n., A person who finds potentially sexual meanings in every conversation, and who always tries to "cleverly" point it out, by putting ordinary words or phrases into a sexual context. v., To be habitually and annoyingly addicted to sexual innuendo.

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Created by: XMbIPb

Pronunciation: /co-i-ten-shes/

Sentence: Q. "Why is Jack walking so funny?" A. "Well, Bill was tinkering with his 73 Chevy Monter-Carlo... yeah... on 'em bricks o'er yonder... an' Jack kinda comes up an' says: 'Ah likes whatcha got under that hood, Billy. It sure's big.' Well 'en. Ole Bill don't take kindly to a coitation r'mark like that. Nex' thin' ya'll know he did a number on Jack's knee caps."

Etymology: COITENTIOUS (adj.) [coitate, v.; coitator, n.] - sex-related from lat. "coitus;" a rather rare usage as most forms are rather gender-specific (fallatious or cannilatious)

Points: 836