Verboticism: Petanticate

'Ooopy goopy poopy poo.'

DEFINITION: n An invented language similar to baby talk, used by pet owners to communicate with their pets. v. To speak to an animal using an invented language.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: pet ant ikayt

Sentence: Petula had gone to her Petiotrist many times to try and petanticate better with her pet pug, Petunia. Though a petulant pet, Petunia perpetually tried to pet peeve Petula by pretending not to understand her peticular speech patterns. Finally, Petula put herself in her pooch's persona and put out many puppy perks for Petunia. Amazing what prolific pet perks and persuasive pet lingo can do to persuade a pooch to perform with perfection!

Etymology: Pet (a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement) & Pedantic( marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects) & Communicate (transmit thoughts or feelings or information)

Points: 383