Verboticism: Petophile

'Yuck! Your dog is trying to kiss me!'

DEFINITION: n. Embarrassing pet behavior; may be perfectly natural for the pet, but often makes humans feel self-conscious or ill at ease. v. To be embarrassed by your pet's beahviour

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: petəfīl

Sentence: There is a rule at the dog park that no children under 12 should enter the off-leash area. To do so often results in the children being knocked over and petophiled by most of the male and many of the female dogs present. Looks like that **Birds & Bees** talk may need to be moved up on the calendar.

Etymology: pet (a domestic or tamed animal or bird kept for companionship or pleasure and treated with care and affection) + pedophile (a person who is sexually attracted to children)

Points: 1280