Verboticism: Echolocution

DEFINITION: v. To unconsciously adopt the vocal mannerisms and linguistic stylings of the people with whom you are speaking. n. A speaker who adopts the vocal mannerisms of their audience.
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: EK oh lo koo shun
Sentence: Whenever he could, he would echolocution with his young grandchildren, in an effort to gain their acceptance. Talking with them lead to texting with them, using their own special brand of lingo.
Etymology: From: echo and locution.
Points: 1703
Comments: Echolocution
Nosila - 2009-10-06: 18:08:00
Echological thinking...
mweinmann - 2009-10-07: 08:19:00
artr - 2009-10-07: 11:30:00
Always been a bit confused about the use of locution and elocution