Verboticism: Wintendonitis

'I winning!'

DEFINITION: n. A state of hyper-attentive focus combined with WBT (Whole Body Twitching) and IEE (Ignores Everything Else), which commonly afflicts video game players. v. To get so caught up in a video game that you cannot stop.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: win ten do nye tis

Sentence: Buster played his video games morning, noon and night to the consternation of his parents. He was so intent on winning each game, he was oblvious to the need to rest, eat and hydrate himself. He could barely move his hand or arm anymore, as he was developing wintendonitis. There was always a pong coming from his room, his nickname was Gameboy and he thought Mario and Luigi were his real brothers. His parents could not wait for September, when Buster would go to school and apply his energy elsewhere. It would be hard for him to hold a pencil or crayon, unless they could surgically remove his hand controls. Grade One was going to be a tough year for Buster!

Etymology: Win (be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious) & Nintendo (Video game system made by the Japanese Nintendo Co.) & Tendonitis (inflammation of a tendon due to over-use, such as in thumb, elbow, shoulder,etc)

Points: 665

Comments: Wintendonitis

galwaywegian - 2009-10-02: 10:12:00