Verboticism: Enthusipid

'You're borrowing $100,000 on credit cards...'

DEFINITION: v. To offer unquestioning support and enthusiasm, when perhaps, some "constructive criticism" would be more helpful. n. Support which is given without restraint or consideration.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: enθoōsipid

Sentence: The company seems to fling itself from one dissaster to another, perhaps attributable to to the corp of enthusipid managers who can stand up and cheer for any idea presented. They can get behind anything as long as it doesn*t require them to think. These bandwagoneers are just as quick to jump camps if the program they were supporting receives any flak.

Etymology: enthused (say something that expresses one*s eager enjoyment, interest, or approval) + insipid (lacking vigor or interest)

Points: 605