Verboticism: Pigmentstyinthesky

'Look Daddy! A pink and yellow one!'

DEFINITION: n. The colorful array of plastic bags and other debris which blossom on the trees, thanks winter's whistling winds -- and a few careless neighbors. v. To watch your garbage caress the landscape, as it blows in the wind.

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Created by: kateinkorea

Pronunciation: PIG ment STY in the SKY

Sentence: My father was an avid bird watcher and an environmentalist. In spite of that he believed in science and technology and that they could make all our dreams come true; and we could have the best of everything that new discoveries and inventions could give us as well as preservation of the environment. As I look now up into the trees filled with garbage, far above a landscape decorated with the brightly coloured advertisement slogans of days gone by, they remind me of the vast array of bright coloured birds I once stood watching in awe. Now those bright colours make me think that my father’s pie in the sky dreams have become pigmentstyinthesky.

Etymology: PIE IN THE SKY + PIGMENT + PIGSTY: PIE IN THE SKY:a phrase that means a fanciful notion or ludicrous concept PIGMENT:Particles that are made of various natural and synthetic substances used to add color to solutions such as ink or paint PIGSTY: Slang A dirty or very untidy place

Points: 1010

Comments: Pigmentstyinthesky

silveryaspen - 2009-04-02: 10:11:00
Interesting simile!

Jabberwocky - 2009-04-02: 18:22:00