Verboticism: Sanctifizzle
DEFINITION: v. To insist on helping someone solve a problem only to make it worse... much worse. n. The satisfaction that comes from knowing you have done your best to help someone, even if it did not turn out as well as expected.
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: SANGK-tuh-FIZ-uhl
Sentence: Despite his best intentions Bob often stultifyingly sanctifizzled, turning mundane moments into sempiternal sagas of stress for others.
Etymology: Blend of SANCT, saint: informal, a person who always acts with great kindness towards others. < L sānctus sacred, adj; sancīre to consecrate, equiv. to sanc- (akin to sacer sacred. OE sanct. & FIZZLE: Informal, to fail ignominiously after a good start; a failure, fiasco;
Points: 1631