Verboticism: Worldwidewhoops

'Aaaaah!!! My finger slipped.'

DEFINITION: n., A feeling of regret and helplessness, which occurs once you realize that you have just sent out an erroneous email (i.e. one full of stupid mistakes). v., To send out an email and wish you hadn't.

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Wirl-d-wy-d-woops

Sentence: After a really bad day at the office, when his boss had not been off his back all day, Jack decided to finally open the bottle of whisky his mum had given him for his birthday back in July. Before long the bottle was half empty and he thought (in his drunken haze) that it would be a great idea to email his boss and tell him exactly what he thought of him. However the moment he clicked the send button he suddenly realised what a worldwidewhoops he had made and immediately started to write out his resignation ready to put on his desk first thing in the morning!

Etymology: See Worldwideweb

Points: 707

Comments: Worldwidewhoops

zxvasdf - 2008-10-29: 09:03:00

metrohumanx - 2008-10-30: 02:41:00
Hahahahaha....there should be a whiskey-interlock device on'd be MUCH more useful than spell-check.