Verboticism: Stealthyfoods

'Why are you licking the wrapper?'

DEFINITION: v. tr., To secretly snap up and gobble down a small bit of food left on a dish, wrapping or pot. n., The small bits of tasty food, like melted cheese or veggies, that stick to food wrapping.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: stel thee foods

Sentence: Madge was a big fan of stealthyfoods. You know, the kind you'd have to sneak so as not to seem gluttonous. She loved to eat any garnishes put on her food at restaurants...sprigs of parsley, citrus slices, pickles, pineapple spears, melon triangles, heck, even radish roses or strawberry fans. She believed in getting her money's worth and to her the garnishes were the tastiest part of the dish. People stared, but she didn't care. Her only concern was whether she could afford the rest of the dish. Afterall, wouldn't she hate to get her celery garnisheed???

Etymology: stealthy (avoiding detection by moving carefully) & foods (any substance that can be metabolized by an organism to give energy and build tissue) & rhymes with Healthy Foods (nutritious diet)

Points: 743

Comments: Stealthyfoods

metrohumanx - 2008-08-28: 01:33:00
What are those kittle styrofoam-like things they put into the bag of shrimp toast? Somebody told me they're edible, but the jury is still out on this one...

metrohumanx - 2008-08-28: 03:46:00
I am a foodlum. I eat the parsley if nobody's looking, but sometimes it makes me choke. And I always look forward to Nosila's writings.