Verboticism: Healthfatty

'Why are you licking your pizza?'

DEFINITION: v. tr. To eat in a peculiar or ritualistic manner in an effort to lose weight while consuming more. n. An idiosyncratic method of eating, usually adopted for "health reasons".

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Created by: pungineer

Pronunciation: Health/fatty [say what you see]

Sentence: Darwin was the ultimate healthfatty, he had tried the fadkins, he had tried joining weightworshippers and he had even tried the latest celeb diet craze of masdietication, chewing each mouthful 87.2 times before spitting it out. When he told his friends he was trying the grow your own gruyere diet they decided it was time for another intervention...

Etymology: Suggestion of health plus faddy/fully/fatty with overtonnes of the eat fat to lose fat movement...

Points: 965

Comments: Healthfatty

scrabbelicious - 2008-08-13: 12:39:00
Maybe it's because I'm not a Londoner, but I like to pronounce this like a Londoner jew know? Helfatty, init!

pungineer - 2008-08-13: 12:45:00
are your jockeychews too tight scrabby? If anything i'd thought it could rhyme with chapati mmm there probably is a gluten free healthfatty chapati...

scrabbelicious - 2008-08-13: 13:26:00
Jockeychews too tight:) Funny punny.