Verboticism: Dozenator

'When I said that you're a loser, I meant it as a compliment.'

DEFINITION: v. To exercise power through the strategic use of personal insults, while pretending to offer encouragement. n. A leader who motivates people by insulting them.

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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: duz-en-ate; duz-en-a-tor

Sentence: She came on like she was from the hood, street-smart, street-wise, getting it on, taking us down with her tongue. Man, she thought she was original Dozenator, the Queen of Put Downs. But, it was all a show. "Heh, heh...Just jivin' ya," she always said in quick retreat.

Etymology: From the slang, "dozens," meaning to put others down + ate/ ator, giving action and/or title

Points: 857