Verboticism: Democrazorise

'Which whisk is hers?'

DEFINITION: v. To carefully shave your facial hair into a style which advertises your political allegiance, sexual orientation, or taste in music. n. Stylized facial hair.

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Dem-o-kray-zor-ize

Sentence: Paul was very much in favour of democracy, so when he decided to stand for government he thought it would be a great idea to democrazorise his facial hair by shaving and dyeing it in his polital party's colours to advertise what he stood for, in the hope of gaining a lot more votes.

Etymology: Democracy (a form of government where the people have a voice to excercise power) ORIGIN Greek demokratia, from 'the people' + Kratia 'power' 'rule' + Razor (cut with a razor) Old French raser 'shave closely' = Democrazorise

Points: 674

Comments: Democrazorise

Jabberwocky - 2008-07-16: 11:47:00
ineresting blend

metrohumanx - 2008-07-16: 20:16:00
Wow! That's ONE serious construction.

OZZIEBOB - 2008-07-17: 06:48:00
If he's elected, hope there's no Bic-kering. Unique word.