Verboticism: Transfergravation

'I just got off the phone with my mother!'

DEFINITION: v. To take the frustration and anger you receive from one person and redirect it towards another person, usually of lower status. n. An act of aggression directed towards an individual or object that was not the source of provocation.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: tranz - fer - gruh - VAY - shun

Sentence: Through transfergravation, Felicity would assert herself with ferocity on unsuspecting innocent friends, thus avoiding confrontation with those she feared who had actually caused her the stress and annoyances she dreaded.

Etymology: Blend of transfer and aggravation

Points: 869

Comments: Transfergravation

TJayzz - 2008-05-23: 12:09:00
Great word!

Jabberwocky - 2008-05-23: 09:05:00