Verboticism: Lustbuster

'Don't worry, my dad trained him'

DEFINITION: v., To counsel patience and caution when it comes to romantic endeavors. n., An unexpected or unwanted chaperon who has a special knack for "putting ice on it" when people get the "hots".

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /LUST-bus-ter/

Sentence: Nothing could spoil the mood like Andrea's dog, Fang. Like a true 'lustbuster' he had an uncanny ability to sense a sexual advance coming on — Todd didn't even have to make a move toward her — all he had to do was just think about putting an arm around Andrea, and the flea-bitten cur would lift his head and start snarling at him.

Etymology: lust - intense sexual desire or appetite (Old Norse, lyst "desire") + buster - a person who breaks up something (Origin: 1825–35, Americanism; bust & -er)

Points: 632

Comments: Lustbuster

Dougalistic - 2008-02-13: 04:40:00
lol! Excellent choice of words Tigger. :)

ErWenn - 2008-02-13: 10:13:00
Simple but effective.

silveryaspen - 2008-02-13: 13:04:00
Haven't we seen this before for a different definition? It's so good, twice is nice!

OZZIEBOB - 2008-02-13: 17:06:00
Nice word.

OZZIEBOB - 2008-02-13: 19:36:00
Doggone, Todd!

Tigger - 2008-02-14: 00:30:00
I didn't recall it being used here before silveryaspen, but if it was I apologize. I was thinking of rhyming the word 'lust' and 'bust' and thought it kinda sounded like 'dustbuster'.

Tigger - 2008-02-21: 02:20:00
Apologies to Stevenson0 — he submitted 'Lustbust' for a similar definition in January. It must've been stuck in the back of my head... it was such a good word.