Verboticism: Groggyttled

DEFINITION: n., The uneasiness, social discomfort, and impending sense of doom which occurs when you realize that you've sent out a few too many emails after drinking way too much. v., To worry about your social status after a night of heavy drinking and stupid emailing.
Created by: purpleman
Pronunciation: gra/gga/yat/led
Sentence: hey i got fired last night "yay" well y "u were specking to your boss weridly and he said" "YOUR FIRED" but i was groggyttled
Etymology: groggy+rattled
Points: 647
Comments: Groggyttled
silveryaspen - 2008-02-08: 10:15:00
specking and weridly are as fungreat creates as groggyttied! Your webchat sentences are very good specking!