Verboticism: Angstipsy

'Fell asleep at the keyboard again...'

DEFINITION: n., The uneasiness, social discomfort, and impending sense of doom which occurs when you realize that you've sent out a few too many emails after drinking way too much. v., To worry about your social status after a night of heavy drinking and stupid emailing.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: ahngks-TIP-see

Sentence: Zymxiety and blottoriety echoed like thunder in Bob's aching head. The anticipation of waiting was over; the fearsome figure of his boss loomed closer and closer. His angstipsy trebled and fumbling for words he trembled-out, " Good morning, Mr Grump -oops, I mean Mr Trump.

Etymology: ANGST: unspecified, uncertain feeling of dread, anxiety or anguish & TIPSY:being under the influence of strong drink, rendered foolish by liquor. ZYMXIETY: zym: fermentation in wine making, brewing & an(XIETY).BLOTTORIETY:blotto and notoriety

Points: 659

Comments: Angstipsy

silveryaspen - 2008-02-08: 11:03:00
Clever sentence! Beginning with a tongue-tripper for me ... and ending with Bob's angsttipsey tongue-tripping!

silveryaspen - 2008-02-08: 11:10:00
Your many verbots always amaze me. Sometimes, like zym today, you bring new words to me. My parents and grandparents liked to zym California grapes. I like to zym sweet dark red cherries into cherry brandy! Zym is now zimmed indelibly to my vocabulary!

Jabberwocky - 2008-02-08: 12:48:00
super word ozzie