Verboticism: Fridgeanator

'Help! There's something in the fridge!'

DEFINITION: n., Mutated leftovers which, unattended inside an evil-minded fridge, have transformed themselves into an extremely odorous, alternate life form. v., To save food past it's freshness date and watch it grow into something new.

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Created by: purpleman

Pronunciation: fridge/a/nat/er

Sentence: when i went to grab my icecream from the fridge it jumped at me!!!

Etymology: fridge+dominator

Points: 1847

Comments: Fridgeanator

silveryaspen - 2008-02-01: 09:28:00
Related to the Terminator?

sean30 - 2008-02-01: 15:03:00
Funny - Im sure i'll be back!!

OZZIEBOB - 2008-02-01: 15:50:00
Probably to look for the monster mash!

Nosila - 2008-02-02: 00:24:00
Ja, Purpleman, you reeely pump us up you little girly man! Cheers!

bananabender - 2008-02-03: 10:02:00
Your icecream commenced its jump with an egger-flip perhaps???