Verboticism: Whoamikidian

'I can't stop googling myself.'

DEFINITION: v. To look up your own name on a search engine. n., The practice of using a search engine as a tool for self-realization, or perhaps just self-gratification, by repeatedly searching for information about yourself.

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Created by: scrabbelicious

Pronunciation: Hoo-am-i-keed-e-an

Sentence: Carlos was a somebody, at least in his own mind. He was going make sure there was a place for him in cyberspace. He was a bit of a whoamikidian. If the truth be telth, he was a bit silly and had a lot of time on his hands for whoamikiding.

Etymology: who am i? old DOS command + kidding (hood winking or telling a white lie) (perhaps to oneself) + comedian (person with comedic sence) + (bookended by) wikipedia (an on-line user generated information source)

Points: 791