Verboticism: Prinkompoop

'Excuse me, but are you giving us your full attention?'

DEFINITION: v. , To groom oneself in inappropriate places or at inappropriate times n., A person who practices personal hygiene in public places.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: PRIN-kuhm-poop

Sentence: Bob thought that he was "groomed-to-zoom", but too many "hairs in the butter" by Bob, a persistent prinkompoop, seemed more likely to lead to gloom.

Etymology: Blend of PRINK: to preen, to groom oneself, to smarten up oneself; NINCOMPOOP: one who acts foolishly - enough & esp not to know when & where to groom. HAIRS IN THE BUTTER (sl) a delicate situation. GROOMED TO ZOOM (sl): well dressed & preened.

Points: 428

Comments: Prinkompoop

Jabberwocky - 2007-12-07: 13:59:00
great word