Verboticism: Gesticule

'So team, what do you think of my new idea?'

DEFINITION: n., An expressive gesture made with the belief that the person it is directed at cannot see it, typically occurs during telephone conversations, email discourses, and behind people's backs. v. To use an unseen gesture to express what you cannot say.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: in viz sub ord in ay shun

Sentence: When the boss was on the road, which luckily was often, he called a phone meeting every morning to keep tabs on the slaves he'd left behind. They made the right noises back at him, but while he was giving them orders and bragging about his ideas, they would commit acts of invisubordination. Between crude gestures, funny faces, stifled laughter and eye-rolling they acted out their true feelings for him. Imagine their surprise when they came in on a Monday morning to find out he had installed televisual equipment and they would have to act as though he was really in the room. What a killjoy!

Etymology: Invisible (unseen;impossible or nearly impossible to see; imperceptible by the eye) & Insubordination (defiance of authority)

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Created by: Banky

Pronunciation: hecks-press-shun

Sentence: While the caller would blather on about savings on international calls of up to 1.3% over other hucksters, Dana would focus on contorting her face into her telemarketer hexpression, which she was convinced would visit bowel cancer upon these rude troglodytes.

Etymology: hex - a curse or malicious spell, expression - a visual depiction of mood or sentiment


very funny - I'll have to try that some time - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-28: 10:54:00

Great idea! Terrific word! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-28: 11:40:00

Haha. Your sentence was LOL-funny! - Tigger, 2008-01-28: 12:09:00

Great word and sentence! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-28: 16:48:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: jest tick you klay tent.

Sentence: Every time Fred called his employees on the phone from his travels, his reponses would be a bunch of gesticulatent signals from his rather immature staff.

Etymology: gesticulate (to show, express or direct through movement) & latent (at some eventual time in the future, potential)


metrohumanx Excellent combination. - metrohumanx, 2008-11-19: 20:17:00

metrohumanx A beautiful word. I am stunned by the brevity of your sentence. Still love it, though! - metrohumanx, 2008-11-21: 08:34:00


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Created by: Biscotti

Pronunciation: back shuns

Sentence: The team didn't realize their video conference with the company's CEO was two-way, and proceeded to perform many bactions towards him. He pretended to not see them and the next day all their desks had been moved to janitors closets.

Etymology: back (behind you) + actions (movements or gestures)


good one... - Nosila, 2011-08-30: 08:33:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: hidikroōəl

Sentence: Jerry ”accidently” disabled the video aspect of the weekly conference call with the home office so that he could hidicruel whatever new directive was to be delivered. As he openly mocked his bosses, his co-workers were hard pressed to contain their laughter.

Etymology: hidden (kept out of sight; concealed) + ridicule (the subjection of someone or something to mockery and derision) + cruel (causing pain or suffering)

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Created by: Llama

Pronunciation: Un-seen-isms

Sentence: The poor director had no idea of the horrible unseenisms his subordinates were giving him over the phone.



There is a place for this word in our language! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-28: 16:57:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: han/dess/tine

Sentence: They thought the CEO couldn't see the one fingered handestine salute he was given behind his back. Little did they know he wore two way mirrored glasses.

Etymology: hand + clandestine (covert)


digitally enhanced vision! like it - galwaywegian, 2008-01-28: 07:19:00

I seriously debated over whether to even bother trying to make a word today, I liked this one so much...fantabulous. - Banky, 2008-01-28: 08:22:00

This will be heard, for it's such a handy word, by design, usefully fine! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-28: 12:52:00

Handsome! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-28: 16:21:00

I have to hand it to you! You handled this challenge well!! Easily the best word today!!! - Stevenson0, 2008-01-28: 21:01:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: pan to sine

Sentence: Harvey's banal suggestions were always met with the usual pantosigns by his supportive employees.

Etymology: pantomime (using gestures, not words) & sign (gesture, motion)


Excellent! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-06: 17:57:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: mäkfərəns

Sentence: Halfway through the weekly mockference call the company IT guy stopped to see if the newly-repaired webcam was working correctly. Julie, the head jeerleader, suddenly had sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was greatly relieved when Mr. FattyMcButterPants (McFarland) told them that he didn*t know about the repair and had not turned on his monitor.

Etymology: mock (tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner) + conference (a formal meeting for discussion)

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Created by: scrabbelicious

Pronunciation: As-trix

Sentence: Sha*n was full of astricks anytime anyone said anything remotely off-the-wall. Always with an astrick up his sleeve, down his pants, in his ear, he was always astricking. Every afternoon he'd meet you with a torrent of Tourettes-like twiches, such a *!£$%^, you know what i mean?

Etymology: Derived from astrix, the symbol * used to denote a wild card, also indicating (here erroneously) intelligent lifeform. Combined with Tricks, as in, methods of deception or tomfoolery.


Wild! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-28: 17:04:00


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