Verboticism: Putrumintumtum

'Apparently, Santa has been into the festive spirits all day long.'

DEFINITION: v., To prepare for holiday events where you must chat with irritating co-workers or nagging relatives, by consuming just enough alcohol to make you feel "relaxed". n., A person who arrives at a party pre-inebriated.

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Created by: gemmgemms

Pronunciation: pre-vee-us-lee-un-so-berr-da

Sentence: They could all tell he was previouslyunsobered.

Etymology: previous:before + un:not + sober:not drunk

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: put/rum/in/tum/tum

Sentence: When he received his invitation to the Christmas lunch he took the little drummer boy's advice and putrumintumtum.

Etymology: put + rum + tum (as in tummy) + pa rum pum pum pum


Luv it! So clever and superbly adorable. Touches the kid that lives in all of us and makes Christmas such fun! - silveryaspen, 2008-12-19: 10:31:00

Good one - OZZIEBOB, 2008-12-21: 17:19:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: pre/bree/ate

Sentence: I prebriate for all staff functions when I know the toxic managers are going to show up. Three, or four rye and ginger ales are sufficient for my prebriation to function with these morons.

Etymology: pre + prior + inebriate


Ryebuck! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-12-18: 16:13:00


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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: SOO-DOE-sa-lubri-cated

Sentence: Alfie's drinking philosophy could be stated quite simply: pound down a few shots before attending any social event where sparking wit might be called for. Alfie believed in getting PSEUDOSALUBRICATED...obtaining a "healthy buzz" before showcasing his karaoke skills and performing handstands on the bar. Although he was known to occasionally eat the label from a wine bottle, Alfie stubbornly refused to admit that a person could PSEUDOSALUBRICATE himself too much. Always entertaining, he often left the premises strapped to a hand truck.

Etymology: PSEUDO+SALUBrious+lubRICATED= PSEUDOSALUBRICATED.....PSEUDO:being apparently rather than actually as stated, false, fake;Middle English, from Late Latin pseudo.....SALUBRIOUS:favorable to or promoting health or well-being, especially in a social setting;Latin salubris; akin to salvus safe, healthy.....LUBRICATED:to make smooth or slippery, to imbibe just enough alcohol to make something bearable;Latin lubricatus, past participle of lubricare, from lubricus slippery.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: my tyed won on

Sentence: When it came time to meeting his in-laws, Ryan Water, had maitaiedoneon. Though Jean Ann Tonik and Scott Chen Soda were lovely people as in-laws, their reputation preceeded them. Ryan feared ale-ienation and decided to rum-inate on his own about their future. His lovely bride, Sangria, had been previously engaged to Count Dubonnet and had shot her chances at a quiet life. Luckily, his folks, Tom Collins and the lovely Iris Coffee had raised their little nipper to have manners. When the spirit overtook him, he did not argue with any relatives. He never beer-trayed their trust.

Etymology: Mai Tai (A cocktail made with rum, curaçao, and fruit juices) & Tied One On (got drunk;To become intoxicated; go on a drinking spree)


artr I feel a little intoxicated just reading your sentence. - artr, 2009-12-23: 06:58:00

artr I feel a little intoxicated just reading your sentence. - artr, 2009-12-23: 07:00:00

Cheers! - Nosila, 2009-12-23: 08:13:00


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Created by: Maxine

Pronunciation: al ku 'haw lur ayt

Sentence: Ruth hates her inlaws, but she'll be fine if she alcoholerates before their party.

Etymology: alcohol + tolerate

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Created by: Nuwanda

Pronunciation: hot-but-turd-chum

Sentence: Normally, Ted was kind of a drag, but on the holiday cocktail party circuit, he was everyone's hotbutteredchum.

Etymology: Hot buttered rum, a delicious winter libation, altered to incorporate chum, a word for a pal.


Another funtastic creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-12-19: 10:24:00

Funny indeed!!! - mweinmann, 2008-12-19: 11:08:00

Fits the definition like a hand in a glove, too! - silveryaspen, 2008-12-19: 20:54:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: kandēhamərd

Sentence: Joe didn*t really mean to show up at the company holiday party woozy. The boss gave him a large box of rum-laced chocolates as a gift and he sampled a few to be polite and then a few more. By party time he was candyhammered.

Etymology: candy (a sweet food made with sugar or syrup combined with fruit, chocolate, or nuts) + hammered (drunk)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: fest-STOND

Sentence: Bryant arrived at the office party and began his celebrations ahead of the crowd and being in great spirit for the Christmas holiday his office mates found him delightfully festoned on the 'punch' when they began arriving.

Etymology: Blend of 'Fest' (festival, holiday) and 'Stoned' (intoxicated or dazed from drugs; high)


metrohumanx Hahah....Good one, Mus! - metrohumanx, 2008-12-19: 00:43:00


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Created by: Niktionary

Pronunciation: pree-estah-mate

Sentence: "If I have to go to one more of Herb's Lodge brother's parties, I have to priestamate with plenty of that eggnog. Which one has the rum in it?"

Etymology: prepare+fiesta+estamate

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