Verboticism: Hearsaysis

'The gossip around here is awful.'

DEFINITION: v. To complain and complain about a problem without ever taking action to correct it. n. A complaint about something which you can fix but choose not to.

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Created by: Alchemist

Pronunciation: Kvech-twen-tee-too

Sentence: There was only one kvetch, and that was KvetchTwentyTwo. When Woesarrian started complaining about all the complaining going on, he realized that his liver was never going to heal.

Etymology: Kvetch (complain incessantly) + Catch22

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Created by: purplepeopleeater




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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: ahn WAAA

Sentence: Moana suffered from ennuwaaah - she liked to complain about little problems all day long but she never had the energy to work on solving any of them. At least she liked variety - she alternated between grouse, beef, and carp with her whine.

Etymology: ennui + "Waaah"


waaanderful - Nosila, 2010-01-11: 23:36:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: grahyp/es/uhnt

Sentence: Every office has two, or three incessant bitchers (women) and bastarders (men) who complain about every detail and do nothing about it except be bitchers and bastarders. This evil underlying gripesence is the single most distructive force in the workplace.

Etymology: gripe (to complain constantly) + quiescence (being quiet, still, or inactive)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: mone ot tennus

Sentence: Mona Lott never said a positive word in her life. She was famous for her endless, moanotonous harangues. She found a soulmate in her co-worker, Beef Grizzle, the Whine-Stoned Owwwboy! They spent many hours grumbling, griping, muttering, squawking and bitching about everything and everyone at work. Luckily, they had no friends or lives, so their complaints were work-driven. After their new boss warned them about their bad-apple effect on the whole retail team, they still could not resist tirading about her mean streak. I mean, after all, even though they changed the name of their department to Customer Service, it was still really The Complaint Department. It's just a pity that most of the moanotonous activity came from their own 2 employees!

Etymology: moan (complain, gripe, grumble, whine or an utterance expressing pain or disapproval)& monotonous (tediously repetitious or lacking in variety or sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch)


metrohumanx Hilariously appropriate. Scored again! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-08: 07:18:00

Very funny sentence, good word too! - TJayzz, 2008-08-08: 09:25:00

groanoh!! thanks for the welcome back - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-08: 10:53:00


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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Grum-bel-dro-n

Sentence: Marge was the biggest grumbledrone ever, she would continually go on and on about something but would never do anything to rectify the matter. Today it was the 'foul' taste of the coffee again. However, no matter how much she hated it, she still refused to bring in her own favourite brand.

Etymology: Grumble(complain or protest in a bad-tempered way) + Drone(to speak tediously at length) = Grumbledrone


metrohumanx Man- SO MANY good words today! GRUMBLEDRONE has a GREAT sound. Nice imagery it generates. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-08: 07:23:00

A drone is also (n.) An idle person who lives off others; a loafer. Eggzullent word. - Mustang, 2008-08-08: 07:43:00

Good word...another Hairy Potter reference?? Keep on Rowling on the River! - Nosila, 2008-08-08: 22:44:00

Good word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-09: 18:40:00


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Created by: Trystera

Pronunciation: heer-SAY-siss

Sentence: Everyone knew that the walls still contained the original asbestos, but nobody so much as called the Health Department -- it was Somebody Else's Problem to everyone in the company, and thus the matter remained in hearsaysis.

Etymology: Hearsay + stasis -- "hearsay" to imply a denigrating thing that is said, but inadmissable in any official capacity, and thus ultimately useless towards the cause.

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /hɪˈpɑkɹəˌbɪtʃ/

Sentence: We all hypocribitch sometimes.

Etymology: From hypocrite + bitch


usually while playing a game of hypocribbage - galwaywegian, 2007-06-15: 06:08:00

Must be the Season of the Bitch. (Damn this tunacy.) - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-15: 09:41:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: long/wine/did

Sentence: The head trader was so longwhineded that the constant cacophony he created garnered him the distinction of being known as a whine expert.

Etymology: long winded (constant) + whine


metrohumanx Sometimes i wish I could "trade heads"... - metrohumanx, 2008-08-08: 17:40:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: wyn may ker

Sentence: Stacy was the world's greatest whinemaker. No matter what the subject or event, she could easily manufacture a complaint about it without making any suggestions for improvements. Most people were sure that if she won big on the lottery, she'd be complaining about how she should spend it...

Etymology: Whine (complain) & Maker (someone who manufactures something) and wordplay on Winemaker (someone who produces wine)

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