Verboticism: Fussargy

'The gossip around here is awful.'

DEFINITION: v. To complain and complain about a problem without ever taking action to correct it. n. A complaint about something which you can fix but choose not to.

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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: ahn WAAA

Sentence: Moana suffered from ennuwaaah - she liked to complain about little problems all day long but she never had the energy to work on solving any of them. At least she liked variety - she alternated between grouse, beef, and carp with her whine.

Etymology: ennui + "Waaah"


waaanderful - Nosila, 2010-01-11: 23:36:00


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Created by: Alchemist

Pronunciation: Kvech-twen-tee-too

Sentence: There was only one kvetch, and that was KvetchTwentyTwo. When Woesarrian started complaining about all the complaining going on, he realized that his liver was never going to heal.

Etymology: Kvetch (complain incessantly) + Catch22

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: ide-l-wine

Sentence: MEMO To: All Staff From: Head Honcho OK you horrible lot, I'm sick and tired of your idlewhines. It makes this company look unprofessional. You are a lazy bunch of no goods who can't be bothered to extract a digit now and then and fix things up. If I can find enough time next year, we'll see about maybe hiring an insultant to deal with this poor behaviour. But for now, I can't find the time to address this problem, so you'll just have to put up with your gripes.

Etymology: idle + whine


petaj Idlewhine, idlewhine, every morning you greet me ... - petaj, 2007-06-15: 06:03:00

Oh, I see you've joined the Pick on Purple club. May the Blossom of Snow that grows in your back yard be attached to 3 shiney leaves. - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-15: 06:22:00

(bloom and grow foreeeever...) - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-15: 06:38:00

petaj You won't find any blossoms of snow in my backyard. Subtropical rainforest is more likely. (Small and white, clean and bright.. ) - petaj, 2007-06-15: 21:08:00

Poison iv-y-y-y-y, poison iv-y-y-y-y Late at night while you're sleepin' poison ivy comes a'creepin' - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-16: 00:12:00


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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: KRIH-tih-sye-kuhl

Sentence: Alex's girlfriend had no idea that her laments over his lack of mouthwash merely put her in a criticycle.

Etymology: criticise + cycle (circling round and round)

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Created by: AlouattaPigra

Pronunciation: Eggs Ass Er Plain

Sentence: "Bee off 'wit 'yer exacerplaining!" Faedur belted. "I be so tired of 'earin dis talk about how to improve tings, but 'wit no will at all to do anyting about it!" Francois looked to the cracks in the soil beneath his feet. "I will forever keep 'dem exacerplaints to 'meself! No use make tings worse by pointing out me own hinesight now."

Etymology: Exacerbate - Make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse + Complain - Express dissatisfaction or annoyance about a state of affairs or an event.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: KAHR- plydl

Sentence: Bob carpidled about everything, going through life without ever once demanding to see the manager.

Etymology: CARP: to find fault or complain querulously or unreasonably; be niggling in criticizing; cavil; IDLE: to pass time doing nothing.


metrohumanx Crazy Carpidleing is despicable. I love the word. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-08: 07:21:00

Sure cant complain about a word like that. - Mustang, 2008-08-08: 07:41:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: whyne way ter

Sentence: Julie and Manfred were the ultimate whinewaiters. They would complain about everything and wait to see if anyone else would fix it. It got so that everyone else avoided them because they hated the constant grousing. Finally, the pair had to admit that there was little to complain about, as no one came near them... poor dears, call a WAMbulance!

Etymology: Whine (moan, complain in a plaintive manner) & Waiter (someone who bides their time until the right moment) & Wordplay on Wine Waiter (a sommelier in a restaurant who helps you select the perfect plonk to wash down your dinner)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: wyn may ker

Sentence: Stacy was the world's greatest whinemaker. No matter what the subject or event, she could easily manufacture a complaint about it without making any suggestions for improvements. Most people were sure that if she won big on the lottery, she'd be complaining about how she should spend it...

Etymology: Whine (complain) & Maker (someone who manufactures something) and wordplay on Winemaker (someone who produces wine)

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Created by: purplepeopleeater




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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: long/wine/did

Sentence: The head trader was so longwhineded that the constant cacophony he created garnered him the distinction of being known as a whine expert.

Etymology: long winded (constant) + whine


a real whinner! - galwaywegian, 2007-06-15: 07:46:00

'The long and whined road'.....sing along Purple! - Stevenson0, 2007-06-15: 08:17:00

That's it! I'm taking my words and going home... home, where my thought's escaping... Arrrgh!! I may have to commit songicide. - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-15: 08:37:00

Ya'll are just freaky funny! - grasshopper, 2007-06-15: 11:41:00

AJR55 excellent! - AJR55, 2007-06-15: 12:08:00

Hey, you guys are doing songs now? What about "Red, Red Whine"? "I Walk the Whine"? "Whine in the Coconut"? "Tom's Whiner"? "Sweet Child O'Whine"? - Clayton, 2007-06-15: 19:46:00

petaj He was a whine lover of long standing and had just been voted in as president of the whine appreciation club. His campaign was based on a platform of clarety of purpose and he won over the the members when he sangria non by Fleetwood Mac. He rosé to the occasion and showed his sparkling wit. It was an oakay performance. - petaj, 2007-06-15: 21:29:00

Jeremiah was a bull frog. Was a good friend of mine. Never understood a single word he said, but he always had some mighty fine whine - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-16: 00:02:00


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