Verboticism: Sluggest

'You've done such a good job emptying your beer bottles.'

DEFINITION: v., To imply that person is usually unhelpful when asking for their assistance. n., An unwilling, unproductive and uninhibitedly useless helper.

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Created by: hellohime

Pronunciation: Slappinghand - sla'pin'hand

Sentence: rather than being a helping hand, edward was known as a slappinghand by most of his friends as his idea of "help" usually ended in disaster.

Etymology: A play on the phrase "Helping hand". Rather than being helpful the aide received from this person usually ends with others cleaning the mess

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: bum-plore

Sentence: I bumplored for his slothsistance, but all I received was a guttural belch.

Etymology: bum, implore

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Created by: DrWebsterIII

Pronunciation: 'slak ee

Sentence: Rhonda sure knew how to pick 'em! Another boyfriend who was a useless slackey , who could barely lift a finger to helm himself, let alone Rhonda, with the exception a lifting a beer to his lips!

Etymology: slacker (shirker, loafer, lazybones, bum) + lackey (servant, footman, man/gal Friday)

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Created by: ajnemajrje

Pronunciation: Nehlp

Sentence: I asked John to do the dishes and they did not get done. John is a Nelp! John, quit your nelping and get to work!! Do you realise how much of a nelper you are John?

Etymology: a contraction of "no help". A synonym of useless.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: dis-a-lak-rite

Sentence: Despite Roxie's hinderantic tirades, Bob remained an uninhibited dysalacrite, and an alcomatose couchroach.

Etymology: Dysalacrity: antonym of alacrity: state of ready, willing and eager to act & -ite: one connected with. Verbal form: dysalacriate.


nice one - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-05: 10:54:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: uh/sist/kant

Sentence: Because of family politics and pressures, I had to hire my useless, lazy, out-of-work again cousin as my assistcant.

Etymology: assistant + can't

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Created by: Leoflamma




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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: comp - luh - muh - lyn

Sentence: Marjorie was always frustrated with Brad because of his refusal to look for a job and she took every opportunity to complimalign him when she asked for help with a task.

Etymology: Blend of compliment and malign

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Created by: vmalcolm

Pronunciation: /brætvəri/

Sentence: * vb. (To bratver) That afternoon, Diana bratvered to her boyfriend:- "Now that you've done such a good job filling up your stomach, you should consider going to the supermarket and filling up the fridge!!" * n. (Bratvery) When she saw him pleasantly resting on the couch, she couldn't help thinking he was a complete spoiled bratvery...

Etymology: BRATVERY. Vb. n. From Brat (a child, especially a spoiled or ill-mannered one) + Bravery (the condition or quality of being brave; courage)

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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: lem un AYD

Sentence: The kindergarten teacher, Ms. Loving, was hoping that her new teacher assistant, Eve, would be as energetic as her previous one had been. Instead, Eve was lazy, had no initiative, and proved be more of a lemonaide. Ms. Loving took to calling her Eve Aide behind her back, because that's what Eve did every time there was a bulletin board to be made or shapes to be cut.

Etymology: lemon (something that is unreliable or doesn't work; a disappointment) + aide (helper)

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