Verboticism: Inthemannerjones

'I am King Kong!'

DEFINITION: v. To identify so strongly with character from a book, show, or urban legend, that you become convinced that the story is actually about you. n., A person who believes they are a fictional character in wonderfully tragic and heroic story.

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: tranz-MOE-gull-fry (transmogulfried;transmogulfriar)

Sentence: Cosmo was a very likeable chap-superintelligent and kind to small furry things. I knew him briefly in junior high school, before he disappeared into the sordid subculture of the sixties. No more was heard from him until surfaced one day at Eva's Soup Kitchen. In the intervening decades, Cosmo had TRANSMOGULFRIED to a significant degree. He regaled everyone with his stories about his fortune, made and lost, as a Sheep Wrangler in New Zealand. A few minutes later, he explained his life with the Cargo Cults of the South Pacific. He had been a rocket sled test pilot, a dental floss tycoon, and he could reel off a list of movies he had starred in under various names. Cosmo had TRANSMOGULFRIED his brain, but he was sure to inherit Ted Turner's vast fortune after he liberated Inner Mongolia and become an Ascended Master. Cosmo was a close personal friend of Doctor Terwilliger, whose thousand piano students would one day perform the ultimate piano recital. Cosmo perfected perpetual motion and the motor-operated pushover, but was cheated out of the royalties. He refused to accept money or tobacco, even if it wasn't damp. However, there was ONE favor he asked...please refer to him by his rightful name: Alexander Vasilievich Ungern Von Sternberg.

Etymology: TRANSmogrify+MOGUL+FRY=TRANSMOGULFRY...TRANSMOGRIFY:to change or alter one's perceptions or lifestyle,greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect, often to the detriment of one's sanity;origin unknown.....MOGUL: A person wielding great power, however imaginary- a tycoon or magnate;Persian Mughul, from Mongolian mongγol Mongol.....FRY: To abuse one's brain to the point of delusion through accidental or intentional ingestion of psychotropic substances, particularly SOMA-the divine mushroom of immortality.... Or an industrial accident or other traumatic event.


metrohumanx Nice paintings here: - metrohumanx, 2008-11-17: 03:42:00

great etymology - Jabberwocky, 2008-11-17: 12:59:00

Cosmo sounds like The Great Pretender or Catch Me If You Can... - Nosila, 2008-11-17: 20:46:00

Good one. - Mustang, 2008-11-17: 22:47:00

hyperborean I like this one because it is one of the few verbs. - hyperborean, 2008-11-17: 23:00:00

Yep, good one - OZZIEBOB, 2008-11-18: 03:09:00


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Created by: avklive


Sentence: Reading about strong people impresses me strongly - I'm such a readceptor!

Etymology: reader + perception

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Created by: kmartinmt

Pronunciation: de-lusiv-escape

Sentence: "Tommy imagined himself in every heroic movie, and was later diagnosed with Delusivescape."


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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈplɒt.dʒæk/ /plot-jack/

Sentence: My ex plotjacked my favorite song, and now I can't hear it without imagining that it's about her.

Etymology: plot + hijack (as in "skyjack" or "carjack")

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: tranz - MOG - ruh - fan - see

Sentence: While reading fantasy stories Mary Beth would often transmogrifancy and actually come to believe she was the heroine in the story.

Etymology: Transmogrify + fancy (fantasize)


Anyone that takes a root word from Calvin and Hobbes has my automatic vote. - Banky, 2008-01-24: 15:35:00


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Created by: idavecook


Sentence: That bitch is really a true Papervain, she actually thinks she's the skinny bitch!

Etymology: Pages and Vanity


Misogynistacular. - Banky, 2008-01-24: 15:40:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: spy dent if fyez

Sentence: Under the clever disguise of a humble sales associate at Home Depot, Sean Moore spydentifies better with his hero, James Bond. Ever vigilant, his imagination in overdrive, he sees KGB agents lurking in Paints...why do they really need fourteen gallons of red paint? Personally Sean prefers his paint shaken, not stirred. That shifty foreign character over in Electrical, is he really buying a new doorbell or parts to build a dirty bomb? And that glamorous femme fatale in Tools...she probably has gotten her marksman accreditation with nail guns and power tools. Sean would like to nail her. And when he goes into the Outdoors Dept., he likes to practise his fencing moves. Touche! Sean stays in top form until the day he will get the call to serve his country and save the the meantime, someone needs mousetraps in aisle 3!

Etymology: Spy (a secret agent hired by a state to obtain information about its enemies or by a business to obtain industrial secrets from competitors;a secret watcher; someone who secretly watches other people;secretly collect sensitive or classified information; engage in espionage) & Identifies ( recognizes as being; establishes the identity of someone or something;considers (oneself) as similar to somebody else)


artr Some idiot always needs mousetraps. Cute word. - artr, 2010-04-14: 12:17:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: fikt shaun kon ner ee

Sentence: On weekends, meek and mild tax accountant Fred Lipshitz became the fictseanconnery of his dreams. His alter-ego,Agent 007, James Bond, drove an Aston Martin, drank vodka martinis (shaken, not stirred) and spent his time ensuring meglomaniacs did not take over the free world...he was licensed to kill. His Goldfinger, Thunderball and Diamonds are Forever were a gift From Russia With Love. When at last they came for him, he was heard shouting, "Dr; No! You Only Live Twice! Never Say Never Again."

Etymology: Fiction (a literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact) & Sean Connery (Scottish Actor who portrayed James Bond, ultracool British Spy, in 7 movies between 1062 & 1983)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: MOR-fig-ment

Sentence: Sally is a daydreamer and when reading or viewing works of fiction will often morphigment, will experience realistic hallucinations wherein she becomes one of the characters in the story

Etymology: Blend of 'morph' (to change the form or character of - transform) and 'figment' (a mere product of mental invention; a fantastic notion)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: met-uh-MOR-fig-ment

Sentence: Gladys was an inveterate daydreamer and when reading or viewing works of fiction would often metamorfigment and have realistic hallucinations wherein she became one of the characters in the story.

Etymology: Blend of 'metamorphosis' (conversion, transformation) and 'figment' (a mere product of mental invention; a fantastic notion)


Great word - TJayzz, 2008-11-17: 12:15:00


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