Verboticism: Clusterluck
DEFINITION: v. To make a mistake where the benefits exceed the costs of the screw-up. n. An excellent mistake, which despite its stupidity, produces a positive outcome.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: kləstərlək
Sentence: In a stroke of clusterluck the committee made a decision. They didn't mean to. They were perfectly happy running around like a flock of proverbial headless chickens. By misunderstanding Parliamentary procedure one of the younger members called for a vote. Half the others didn't even know what they were voting on. The chairman was more than happy to take credit for the seemingly brilliant action.
Etymology: cluster[insert popular 4-letter word here] (A confusing or chaotic situation or event, often caused by a failure of communication, an excessive amount of people attempting to accomplish a given task, or a complex environmen) + luck (success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions)
Points: 824