Verboticism: Scootsuite

'Hurry up we need to get in line!'

DEFINITION: v. To hurry up and wait. n. A person who compels you to prepare quickly for an activity which they know will be delayed, postponed or retarded.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: skoot sweet

Sentence: Jerry figured that jet lag was not really caused by the effect of travelling long distances in a short period on the human body. No, he knew it was really the effect of scootsuite on passengers. You know, where you race to line up and wait to run to yet another lineup and wait and eventually end up at an airport gate and have to wait forever for the plane to arrive, deplane, clean-up and reboard passengers. It often was hours before you actually got on a plane. the gates they were like hotel rooms, without the beds, comfortable seating or other basic amenities (like room service. In other words, jet lag was the act of being tired out even before you finally boarded the plane!

Etymology: Scoot (run or move very quickly or hastily) & Suite (apartment consisting of a series of connected rooms used as a living unit (as in a hotel)) & rhymes with Tout de suite(French for At Once)

Points: 833