Verboticism: Reincarbnation

DEFINITION: n. The creepy pounds that sneak onto your waist even though you've been exercising and watching what you eat. v. To exercise rigorously, diet fastidiously, and yet still gain weight.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: rē-inkärbnāshən
Sentence: It wasn't his fault. It was a matter of reincarbnation. The more Phat thought about it the more he believed in regirth. He must have been a sumo in a former life or perhaps a large animal. That would explain the hippobottomus. It was all in his jeans. After another fruitless trip to the gym, he went out and bought another pair of elepants.
Etymology: reincarnation (a person or animal in whom a particular soul is believed to have been reborn) + carb (short for carbohydrate)
Points: 929
Comments: Reincarbnation
wayoffcenter - 2009-01-09: 06:34:00
Love them elepants.
kateinkorea - 2009-01-09: 09:53:00
Nosila - 2009-01-09: 19:51:00
Love it and the deja vu, all over again!
silveryaspen - 2009-01-09: 20:45:00
Super punsome and funsome!