Verboticism: Gotchup

'Oh no! I hate it when my husband tries to dress me!'

DEFINITION: v., To carefully place a lid on a bottle, especially a salad dressing bottle, so that it appears closed and will not spill unless the bottle is moved or shaken. n., A bottle which has been prepared in such a manner.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: gächəp

Sentence: Rudy fell for a whole bottle of gotchup. He was a great fan of practical jokes. He was constantly pulling stunts on his roommate. Finally it was Billy's turn. After observing Rudy's habit of turning the catsup bottle over and giving it a good thunk before opening the cap, Billy knew what to do. He loosened the cap and sat back to see the results. Sure enough, Rudy proceeded to empty about half the bottle on his pants and new shoes with one good whack. The whole thing was made that much sweeter by the fact that Rudy insisted on buying the cheap runny catsup instead of the brand that Billy liked. His only regret was that PitterPat, his cat, was well within the spatter zone as the prank ensued.

Etymology: gotcha (an instance of publicly tricking someone or exposing them to ridicule) + catsup (a spicy sauce made chiefly from tomatoes and vinegar, used as a condiment)

Points: 1145

Comments: Gotchup

Jabberwocky - 2008-09-19: 09:33:00
great story

Mustang - 2008-09-19: 17:12:00
Excellent word!