Verboticism: Cronicut

'Oh no! I won't be able to message for another week!'

DEFINITION: n., A pesky but persistently painful, and seemingly incurable paper cut, which simply refuses to heal. n. To cut or injure a "high use" body part, like a fingertip, knuckle or tongue.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: KRON-i-kut

Sentence: Nothing seemed to work. Barry tried Band-aids, antiseptic ointment and iodine. He just couldn't get the cronicut on the tip of his tongue to heal.

Etymology: Cronic (persistent, long-standing, long-term; incurable) Cut (make an opening, incision, or wound)

Points: 1049

Comments: Cronicut

OZZIEBOB - 2008-09-05: 01:45:00
Good word