Verboticism: Implemenigma
DEFINITION: v. To obsess over, and fantasize about electronic gadgets even though you can never figure out how they actually work. n. A beautiful but useless gadget.
Created by: Clayton
Pronunciation: IM-pluh-muh-NIG-muh
Sentence: Julie must've tangled with the ecclesiastical implications of her newfound implemenigma for at least half an hour before realizing it was just a fancy-schmancy garage door opener.
Etymology: implement + enigma
Points: 533
Comments: Implemenigma
jadenguy - 2007-06-04: 11:01:00
I don't think you have an appropriate appreciation for garage door openers. They are the first form of high penetration consumer electronic wireless door locking system. It's not often people trust their Buicks and belt-sanders to robots. Still, great word.
purpleartichokes - 2007-06-04: 13:29:00
This word makes me sound smart!
Clayton - 2007-06-04: 21:40:00
Garage door openers are nature's woodchuck drawbridge mechanisms.