Verboticism: Sacribyes

'My mother is a washing machine'

DEFINITION: n. The sacrifice a mother makes when she gives everything to her children, including life itself, and then simply lets them go. v. To give someone everything and then watch them walk away.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: sak rib ize

Sentence: After her tenth child was born, Melba knew it was time to start giving her sacribyes to the older kids. Not that she wanted to, but they were 19, 20 AND 21 and needed to get out in the world to make their own way. Besides, she would still have 7 at home under age for now to look after. Her biggest worry was what would she do when this last little one left the nest...because she had given up all her identity to raise him and his siblings.How much of her own self was there left?

Etymology: Sacrifice (endure the loss of;the act of losing or surrendering something) & Byes (a farewell remark;) and rhymes with Sacrifice

Points: 587