Verboticism: Guiltenfreude

'That idiot has finally been fired?'

DEFINITION: n. A mixture of delight and guilt felt when a colleague, whom you despise, suffers a misfortune. v. To feel bad about feeling good when something bad happens to someone who is definitely not good.

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Created by: Alchemist

Pronunciation: GILT-ehn-froyd

Sentence: When Larry the office woethario fell down the steps, Susan was stricken with guiltenfreude. She wanted to cheer, and knew she would have to go to confession for feeling that way...

Etymology: schadenfreude (pleasure at the misfortune of others) with guilt.

Points: 431

Comments: Guiltenfreude

petaj - 2007-03-23: 03:11:00
Susan probably Jung her head in shame, and ate her favourite comfort food Pavlova to get over it.

Alchemist - 2007-03-23: 07:39:00
After she had her nosh, she Alder Goethe church, but she Kant, having recently come to doubt the whole issue of transnubstantiation. Poor Susan, she just needs a little zensistence.

Bulletchewer - 2007-03-23: 10:54:00
The gold maker has completely lost me. How many more unoriginals will go down the whole Schadenfreude or sad- route? Sorry, my subconscious says I'm craving sexual attention...

Alchemist - 2007-03-23: 15:16:00
Jung, Pavlov, Freud, Alder, Kant, and Goethe all major contributers to psychology/psychiatry. and actually it is tough to improve on schadenfreude, it is such a great word already...

catgrin - 2007-03-23: 19:21:00
I do wonder if your Guiltenfreunde is that married chick you're seeing on the side...

Bulletchewer - 2007-03-23: 20:24:00
And there was deluded old me thinking Goethe was the German Shakespeare and Kant a philospher. I always had "Schade" as meaning "shame", so your word is pretty much the same as Schadenfreude.

Alchemist - 2007-03-23: 21:37:00
From wikipedia for "Gestalt" - The idea of Gestalt has its roots in theories by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Immanuel Kant, and Ernst Mach. Also, the roots of of schadenfreude are as follows: Schaden means "harm" and freude means "joy"...perhaps you have heard of "the google"...

Bulletchewer - 2007-03-24: 06:57:00
So Kant and Goethe as "major contributors" to psychology is misleading. Jung and Freud, they are "major"; but Goethe and Kant are primarily writers/philosophers with much broader interests. And "Schade" (n denotes plural) has connotations of pity/shame and does not merely mean "harm".

Alchemist - 2007-03-24: 14:48:00
sorry you don't agree that gestalt psychology was a major development. connotations of pity/shame (not guilt) are not supported by linguistic origins...I think you are guiltenfreude of purple voodoo on this...

petaj - 2007-03-25: 04:31:00
Hull! who'd have thought a little jest would get Bulletchewer ready for a Rogers. Maybe a little Gardnering might relieve the Strauss ;-)

petaj - 2007-03-25: 04:35:00
Oh and that's Anselm not Johann or Richard.

Bulletchewer - 2007-03-25: 06:37:00
Schade dass du kein Deutsch versteht! Being minor contribitors to a theory which is so important most people have never heard of it hardly makes you a major piece on the chessboard of psychology. Hell it barely makes you a pawn. Seriously, check the German again. Why do they say "Schade" to mean "what a pity"? Oh sorry, you're the expert on all things Deutsch, so I must be wrong.

Alchemist - 2007-03-25: 09:22:00
And *I* say that forty-TWO angels can dance on the head of a pin!!! So there!