The create-a-word game

'I wish that girl would talk to me...'

DEFINITION: v. To get what you wished for, but not exactly what you wanted. n. A wish come true that's a total let down.

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Top verboticism of the day created by remistram

Pronunciation: diss-dreem-may

Sentence: She couldn't wait to get her new Ken doll for Christmas but suffered much disdreamay when she discovered that he had plastic hair and not flowing real hair like Barbie.

Etymology: dismay (thwarted, disappointed) + dream (wish, hope)

Created by: remistram.

More Top Verboticisms:

(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Wishcompoo: /wish-com-poo/ Jonny's wishcompoo was a bit messy. He was playing his song on his guitar on the street corner, when he closed his eyes and wished he had a huge hit. The next thing he heard was a roar and screech, which he imagined as a crowd of fans. Unfortunately, it was a cement truck. And it didn't stop until it hit the wall behind him. Etymology: wish come true + poo Created by: jrogan.

Miraclul: /Meh-ra-ck-lul/ He has talked about this for so long, and when it finally happened it turned out to be a miraclul. Etymology: First Part belongs to Miracle - as in when the wish or prayer is answered. Second Part belongs to lul(lulz) - a term used as a (Lame Uncomfortable Laugh) - like the chuckle in the image this guy would make in an uncomfortable situation. Uncomfortable Miracle -> Miraclul Created by: Elucard.

Fantaseek: /fan tass eeek/ The fantasy became a fantaseek when he tried to undo the bobbles on her bikini bottoms and found that they weren't bobbles Etymology: fantasy, eek Created by: galwaywegian.


To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: I wish that girl would talk to me...



Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2006-11-24: 10:21:00
ATTENTION ALL PLAYERS: Round One is ending today and we will be declaring the first official Verbotomy winner!

We will start Round Two on Monday with fresh scores -- i.e. everyone starts with zero!

So please cast your final votes for this round's verboticisms today. Good luck!

wordmeister - 2006-11-24: 11:16:00
Good word chris. I have been giftmiffed a few times. Hey, does anyone know what the official title will be for the game winner? They should be able to come up with a good title. How about adding "VbD" to the playername since the winner should be awarded a "Doctorate in Verbotomy".

- 2006-11-24: 11:40:00
The winner (mother?) will be drunk with the power, so how about "Verbloto"?

- 2006-11-24: 11:48:00
Mother drunk?? Never!!! (heavy sarcasm)

- 2006-11-24: 11:50:00
the two styles of drawings seem blended now - very cool

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2006-11-24: 13:49:00

deadpanwalking - 2006-12-05: 11:09:00
My vote's for Mother. Consistently clever. Having said that ... watch your back in round 2!

More Winning Words:

More Verboticisms! See the winning words for: Drop that controller right now!