The create-a-word game

DEFINITION: v. To seek approval from your boss by emulating their style, mannerisms or affectations. n. A person who copies their boss's style in order to win favor.
Top verboticism of the day created by mweinmann
Pronunciation: clo - nozer
Sentence: Greta was a total clonenoser. First she started to wear the same lipstick color as her boss. Next the shoes, then the bracelet. She thought it a compliment to her boss that she had started to "evolve" into her likeness.
Etymology: clone (a perfect copy), noser - brown noser (someone who kisses up to the boss
Created by: mweinmann.
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(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Brandposer: /Bran - d - pos - er/ "Bob the Bootlicker" was multitalented to be sure, full time brown-noser and brandposer, if only he could put that kind of effort into his car washing. Etymology: Brand - poser (sounds like brown noser) Created by: Mrgoodtimes.
Twingratiate: /twin grat chee ayt/ It was subtle at first, the way George starting copying some of his manager's phrases and favourite words. Then it became more obvious to the rest of the staff that he was copying mannerisms and fashion style of his boss. He got a raise and a promotion by being able to twingratiate himself with the boss...same hair-do (now bald, like the boss);same big goggles; same polyester leisure suits and same hideous patterned shirts. Things went well for George for a time. Then his world was torn apart when the boss transferred and a new, sharp lady boss took over. How the heck was he going to twingratiate himself with her without looking like Tootsie??? Etymology: Twin (duplicate or match) & Ingratiate (gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts) Created by: Nosila.
Supersonate: /supe-ER-sin-ayd/ Lindstrom was a shameless suck up who would go to any length to supersinate those above him in the company heirarchy to curry favor. Etymology: Blend of the words 'supervisor' (n. a person who supervises workers or the work done by others; superintendent. ) and 'impersonate' (v. to assume the character or appearance of; pretend to be) Created by: Mustang.
To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: Jennifer? You've changed your hairstyle! I like it!
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Office politics. You know it's a game. You understand the players. You've got a strategy. Now it's time to take action with Timothy Johnson's GUST -- even if that means shaving your head. Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram and Timothy! ~ James
purpleartichokes - 2007-06-14: 18:10:00
Love the artwork today James! Very funny!
Thanks purple! And cheers to remistram for thinking of such a funny idea. ~ James
By the way, Robert J. Sawyer, winner of Hugo and Nebula best novel awards, will be our featured author at Verbotomy next week. More details to follow... Check out Rob's website at ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James