The create-a-word game
DEFINITION: v. To injure yourself while performing a normal everyday activity, such bending down, standing up, or turning your head quickly. n. An self-inflicted injury which occurred during a period of physical inactivity.
Top verboticism of the day created by diyan627
Pronunciation: dooo fus jer eee
Sentence: Fredliek's latest doofusjury involved his computer crashing while he was talking on his cell phone. We're not quite sure what happened. And he probably isn't either unless it's so traumatic (or embarrassing) that he doesn't want to give us details.
Etymology: doofus (incompetent, foolish person) + injury
Created by: diyan627.
Good word. - Mustang, 2008-04-16: 05:14:00
More Top Verboticisms:
(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Accedentary: /ack-said-in-tear-ree/ The first thing Robert noticed when he regained consciousness after the accedentary was that he had lost the race. Then he noticed the large glinting shards of the glass coffee table, reflecting images of tiny go-carts zooming past an imaginary camera. He slowly righted himself, his face crusted in blood and glass. There on the screen, displayed in repeating 1080p glory was the turn on Koopa Troopa Beach where he had lost the entire affair. Upon hitting the shortcut ramp dead on and rocketing into the dank tunnel, his excitement overwhelmed him, and with his hands thrust toward the heavens, mocking Zeus with his three-proged controller like a vengeful Poseidon brandishing his trident, he knew he alone reigned over this beach. Every crab and palm tree must now pay fealty to his awesome might. He triggered his stored lightning item for effect and basked in the power. And that was when he had the stroke. Etymology: accident + sedentary Created by: Banky.
clever - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-15: 10:49:00
Great story - Nosila, 2008-04-15: 20:52:00
Relaxident: /ree-lax-ih-dihnt/ It was a relaxident. I was just sitting on the couch watching t.v. and when I tried to change the channel I knocked myself unconscious with the remote control. Etymology: relax + accident Created by: hyperborean.
Channel Surfing is dangerous! - Nosila, 2009-06-01: 14:39:00
Very good! - Mustang, 2009-06-02: 00:01:00
Pedestrain: /Ped-est-rain/ Greg lived a very beige life and enjoyed it's banality. He went to work, did his grocery shopping and walked his dog. He occasionally visited family and had dinner with friends but that was the extent of his excitement. Greg was a cautious man who didn't want to get hurt, so no snow-boarding, rollerblading or motorbike riding for him. "Oh my god what happened to you?" blabbered his secretary Janine when he came in for work in casts one day. "I slipped down the stairs with my groceries when my dog ran passed me out the door. The detergent bottle I had bought burst open and I slid and fell all the way from the sixth floor to the foyer in the detergent." He said blandly. Janine burst out laughing. "And then I crashed into the floral display, which fell on me. The rose thorns got stuck in my skin." "Wow." Said Janine giggling. "That's a real pedestrain," but Greg didn't get it. Etymology: Pedestrian - banal, boring, hum-drum, mundane, insipid and prosaic. Also referring to the boring act of walking somewhere.. Strain - injury usually induced by using a part of your body in a way it's not used to. Also happens when you're doing very little but doing it alot. I note that this verbotomy is found quite frequently on google due to the sad fact that many people can't spell pedestrian. I think that makes it all the more poignant. Created by: dochanne.
To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: Omigod! What happened to you?
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Verbotomy - 2008-04-15: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Tigger. Thank you Tigger. ~ James
Banky - 2008-04-15: 15:48:00
Excellent definition, Tigger. I actually had this happen before one of my first dates with my wife, and I didn't tell her the real story until a couple months after we were married.
Verbotomy - 2008-04-15: 18:24:00
Hey Banky, what was the injury? And how did you hide it from your future wife? ~ James
Tigger - 2008-04-15: 22:43:00
Oh, good words everyone. I couldn't wait to get home and see what everyone came up with. I'm currently nursing a pulled stomach muscle that I got while I was reaching for the phone, when I happened to sneeze at the same time. So, I'm the idiot that inspired the definition.
Verbotomy - 2009-06-01: 00:03:00
Today's definition was suggested by Tigger. Thank you Tigger. ~ James
hyperborean - 2009-06-01: 21:27:00
Very good word! I liked your note about it being found on Google because of people misspelling.
DevynAlexanderSkyeHarris - 2013-04-04: 00:12:00
I think everyone has a friend's name that they could use. . .