Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A non-threatening term to describe the procedure of cutting vocal cords on yappy dogs, which makes it sound like a good thing -- after all, they will never bark again. v. To remove the vocal chords.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: wordmeister
Pronunciation: pet-E-kUr
Sentence: Joan and Roger thought that their home would be a lot quieter once they gave Rover a peticure. And it was for a while... Unfortunately their daughter was quite upset, and out of sympathy for Rover refused to speak, answering all questions with a loud bark!
Etymology: pet+pedicure
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: diss em bou ou
Sentence: when barkley was disembowowed he felt like disembarking from the ship of life
Etymology: disembowel bow ow
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: yap pen dek toe mee
Sentence: Fifi was so excited. She loved going in the car with her "Mommy". A car ride meant a run in the off-leash park or a free dog cone from Dairy Queen. Today Mommy had told her she was going to get a yapendectomy...she was so excited she barked all the way there. When they pulled up to the building, Fifi realized it was the same place where her brother Rover had gone when he had gotten tutored!
Etymology: Yap (bark in a high-pitched tone)& Appendectomy (surgical removal of the vermiform appendix)
Great, now my kid won\'t go to his tutor! - artr, 2009-08-31: 06:33:00
Created by: CharlieB
Pronunciation: yap-o-tə-mi
Sentence: After a week of mournful looks and silence from Fido, Mrs Smythe strongly suspected her neighbour had kidnapped the poor pooch in the night and performed a yapotomy.
Etymology: yap (of a small dog – to bark constantly) + -tomy (surgical incision)
rough - galwaywegian, 2011-01-18: 10:14:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Sentence: shep is much quieter sinc being disembarked, but every now and then he gets a rather worrying look on his face...
very funny!! - Jabberwocky, 2007-01-31: 12:32:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: dee-bar-kul
Sentence: Ever since the debarkle he's been much quieter...but for some reason he won't stop crapping on my pillow..
Etymology: bark, debacle... and in a non-threatening way it sounds a bit like sparkle....don't ya think
oh yes. This works. - erasmus, 2007-01-30: 04:14:00
Just on the basis of your sentence, you get my vote today. - chofu67, 2007-01-30: 12:48:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: wuf - edet - ting
Sentence: Sparky was excited to go for woofediting. He thought it meant that he would emerge with a smooth, silky voice that would fit with his a "Dog About Town".
Etymology: woof, editing
Created by: johnnyrockett
Pronunciation: Va-ks-tray-shion
Sentence: I took Fido to the vet so he could voxtrate him. He hasn't said a word since.
Etymology: Vox - Latin for voice traiton - as in castration
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: yip-eeze-ee-ought-uh-me
Sentence: I'm paying for my neighbor's dog to get a yippeesiotomy, I figure it's worth it just to get some sleep.
Etymology: yip + yippee + episiotomy
I know it's not exactly non-threatening, but I couldn't resist! - Osomatic, 2007-01-30: 01:31:00
It's great! The "yipi" part makes it sound very positive. - wordmeister, 2007-01-30: 01:33:00
Thanks, wordmeister! I almost spelled it "yippeesiotomy." In fact, maybe I still should... - Osomatic, 2007-01-30: 01:38:00
Created by: maxxy
Pronunciation: mar-SEW-ing
Sentence: Fluffy was a little hesitant -- he remembered how he he had thought "neutering" meant he'd get his own private fetch instructor -- but, still, the prospect of being marceaued just sounded so elegant.
Etymology: From Marcel Marceau, world-famous mime
Clever! - wordmeister, 2007-01-30: 11:38:00
wordmeister - 2007-01-30: 12:00:00
Wow! Lot's of funny words today!
wordmeister - 2007-01-30: 12:19:00
Hey, I'm winning! Ooops, I'm the only player in this group...
Discoveria - 2007-01-30: 15:28:00
Some rather 'surgical' ones too...
wordmeister - 2007-01-30: 17:09:00
Yes, I suppose we have a lot of doctors who are contributing...
mrskellyscl - 2009-08-31: 08:07:00
This happened to a dog in our neighborhood. The kids call him "Horace."
Nosila - 2009-08-31: 13:21:00
My friend's spaniel had his tail he's now called Bob!
artr2 - 2012-06-08: 06:42:00
Didn't play this round because I couldn't find the humor in this cruel, self-centered practice. ArtR2