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'Why do you iron our sheets every night?'

DEFINITION: n., The deep red lines and/or furrows, which appear on a person's face after they have slept on wrinkled or creased bed sheets. v., To wake up and discover that your face matches your wrinkled bed sheets.

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Created by: Darkreaper

Pronunciation: F-rinkles

Sentence: He woke up early and sighed when he saw the frinkles left on his face by his furrowed bedsheet.

Etymology: Wrinkle, furrows

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: PROO-fuh-nodz

Sentence: "You can't sleep at the circulation desk !" screamed EvilPat at the bored, bleary-eyed library assistant. " I WASN"T sleeping !" he replied with the standard look of indignation. "But there are PROOFONODZ all over your face !" replied EvilPat, in her best administrative patois. Faced with such irrefutable evidence, the chastised library assistant crafted an appropriate sign for the desk: "PLEASE WAKE ATTENDANT FOR SERVICE".....and drifted off to sleep with a clear conscience.

Etymology: PROOF+(of)+NOD+(catch some) Zs= PROOFONODZ.....Proof: the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact,something that induces certainty or establishes validity;Middle English prof, prove, alteration of preve, from Anglo-French preove, from Late Latin proba, from Latin probare to prove....."O": tastless substitute for the word "OF", usually seen in pretentious advertising:(cup o soup,bac o bits,etc)....NOD:To fall asleep,to make a quick downward motion of the head (as from drowsiness);Middle English nodden; perhaps akin to Old High German hnotōn to shake.....Z: suffix brashly used to imply pluralization (in a tacky way)derived from the slang expression "catch some Zs"-meaning to sleep. Pretty farfetched combination, eh?

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Created by: thegoatisbad

Pronunciation: lin-ed-e-ment

Sentence: Ever since daylight savings time had destroyed her life, Kimberly napped during her lunch break. She was not a peaceful sleeper. Often, Kimberly woke up with a start and once woke up to realize that the weekly office meeting was starting; she rushed to the conference room unaware of the drool on her blouse and the paperclip embedded in her face. She burst in asking "what'd I miss?!" frantic and breathing heavily. Zinnia calmly leaned toward Jared and whispered "I think she missed her linedament."

Etymology: lined (marked or covered with lines) + lineament (features and contours of a face)


good one - Nosila, 2010-03-20: 00:06:00


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Created by: LotusB

Pronunciation: Vis-AHGE-in-en

Sentence: When he awakened, Carl noticed his face and neck were hurting. Thinking he had been bitten by a bug, he ran to the bathroom mirror only to find he wasn't attacked by bed bugs, but rather visaginen! His sheets attacked him in the night!

Etymology: Visage (Face) + Linen (Sheets, Linens, etc) = Visaginen

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Created by: glamgal23

Pronunciation: pritt-ers

Sentence: I woke up with pritters on my face from the pillow.


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Created by: xirtam

Pronunciation: bed-mahrk

Sentence: When Susan looked in the mirror after she woke up from her nap, she saw a bedmark on her left cheek; a perfect impression of the flower she hand embroidered on her pillow.

Etymology: Bed: a piece of furniture upon which or within which a person sleeps. + Mark: a visible impression or trace on something, as a line, cut, dent, stain, or bruise.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: shh ruts

Sentence: Oh my God, my face is full of lines and ruts from my sheets. Oh shruts!!! All over my face.

Etymology: This word is formed from the combination of the word "sheets" as in bed sheets and "ruts" as in deep furrows or marks left by an object.

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: sheet-fayst

Sentence: after a heavy night of celebrating it was no surprise when i woke up sheetfaced

Etymology: sheet, face, shitfaced


HA! Love it! - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-26: 04:43:00

But of course!! Good word. - Mustang, 2007-11-26: 06:34:00

excellent word - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-26: 13:19:00

Bring to mind an old expression - to go to bed, " To go down sheet alley into Bedfordshire." Fine word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-26: 20:47:00


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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: NAP-map

Sentence: The only thing that told Alex of what happened the night before was the napmap embedded on his face--but when did the girl leave, and why did she leave that awful note in lipstick on the mirror?

Etymology: nap + map (the lines resembling a road map)


I seem to be way off my game lately... - mplsbohemian, 2007-11-26: 20:38:00

petaj How intriguing - what was the awful note? - petaj, 2007-11-26: 22:33:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: slum ber rum pulls

Sentence: On the morning after their honeymoon started, Wilma awoke with a bad case of the slumberumples...big red lines all over her face. Her groom, Will, thought it cute and endearing. Wilma ran to the bathroom and spent over an hour doing her ablutions. When she emerged, her smooth, creamy complexion had returned. She turned off the lights before she joined him in bed each evening. It took Will many years to realize that Wilma's skin had slumberumples 24/7 and during her morning routine, she was actually applying enough war paint and concealer to hide the awful truth. Yes, she had been born with what looked like a road map imbedded on the largest organ in her body...

Etymology: Slumber (be asleep)& Rumples (become wrinkled or crumpled or creased;to gather something into small wrinkles or folds)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-26: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-26: 13:35:00
By the way, Stevenson0's crazy shopping word, "Dealusional", was published in Toronto Star as one of Top the Invented Words of the Week. See: Congratulations to Stevenson0 ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-03-19: 00:08:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James