Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: To be physically overcome by a sudden illness, disability, or even death when asked to participate in unrewarding activities -- like work, or household chores.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: HALibut
Pronunciation: Di-thril-i-weyt-shuhn
Sentence: Larry's eyes opened and slowly came into focus on the calendar faintly illuminated through the shades. Realizing it was employee review day he was stricken with a sudden and paralyzing dethrilliwation, fortunately he was able to move his arm just far enough to once again hit the snooze button.
Etymology: De(reduced) + thrill + wait + ion(condition)
Created by: Lapper
Pronunciation: SLAC-en-COPE
Sentence: James went slackyncope when Mary wanted him to help clean out the litter boxes; he's been this way for so long that he's never even laid eyes on them before.
Etymology: Slack and syncope (fainting)
Created by: KristinA
Pronunciation: sloth-E-uh
Sentence: She named her family's slothia as her reason for hiring a maid service.
Etymology: "sloth" for 1) the slow, if not motionless, characteristics of the animal and 2) the adjective meaning messy + "ia" for the condition thereof
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: help eew noo maa
Sentence: his helpyounoma always flared up just before and just after meal times, and his mother just didn't understand.
Etymology: help you? no ma!
If he's not careful, he'll develop chronic helpatitis but I think there are big needles for that - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-12: 12:31:00
Created by: weareallbeautiful
Pronunciation: p-ruh-t-eh-d
Sentence: Every time he was asked to take out the garbage Zack was pretead.
Etymology: pretend+dead
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: chore + ma + tose
Sentence: My, will you look at all that laundry, and there's my girlfriend, lying chorematose on the couch.
Etymology: chore + comatose
Created by: ladyhelm
this happanes! - ladyhelm, 2007-07-15: 18:01:00
Created by: fyaishar
Pronunciation: COMA poss efie
Sentence: Johnathan Frackeiss the hobocaveman wanted to watch the Sunday Night Football game on Pay-per-view, but his wife/sister wanted him to fix the dented trash can in their alley. (What would the neighbors think?) In order to avoid work, he comapossified himself right next to a dead squirrel. Thinking that Johnathan was doing business with the squirrel she allowed him not to do the work and then commited suicide the end.
Etymology: coma(tose)+(play)poss(um)+ify
A filigliberotsmatation is the unsimplification of a simple word. - fyaishar, 2007-07-12: 20:18:00
Ignore the above. I just figured out the rules of the game. - fyaishar, 2007-07-12: 20:36:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: grime-reept
Sentence: Gemma felt she had become a grimereaper when her fourth husband dropped dead after she asked him to clear the table. Eerily, her previous three husbands had also fallen gravely ill and died when confronted with simple household chores.
Etymology: From old Aleutian "grymereept" used to describe lazy men who'd spend all day reading crime novels ignoring the litter, dirty crockery and food scraps piling up around them. It is completely coincidental that it is reminiscent of the "Grim Reaper".
Created by: mplsbohemian
Pronunciation: HART-uh-task
Sentence: Alex was hit with so severe a heartattask at the site of the professor's assignment, that he was stuck in bed for three days, completely unable to operate a laptop.
Etymology: heart attack + task
sounds serious - he might have to resort to bribery and go in for a buypass - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-12: 12:34:00
HALibut - 2007-07-12: 00:47:00
HALibut - 2007-07-12: 00:51:00
rikboyee - 2007-07-12: 01:45:00
as verbotomists...surely we need to think up a word for 'accidently entering your word in the comment box'
petaj - 2007-07-12: 03:09:00
How about verbotogaffe?
rikboyee - 2007-07-12: 04:52:00
or wrongspotomy
petaj - 2007-07-12: 05:57:00
Good one! Maybe dysboxia describes it, or commentouch.
purpleartichokes - 2007-07-12: 07:07:00
purpleartichokes - 2007-07-12: 07:53:00
galwaywegian - 2007-07-12: 07:58:00
purpleartichokes - 2007-07-12: 08:56:00
jadenguy - 2007-07-12: 10:38:00
boxnative dissonance?
purpleartichokes - 2007-07-12: 10:46:00
Kyoti - 2007-07-12: 10:57:00
Quadrilateraccidental? ;))
Jabberwocky - 2007-07-12: 11:46:00
how about commenterry?
purpleartichokes - 2007-07-12: 12:45:00
HALibut - 2007-07-12: 12:53:00
Jabberwocky - 2007-07-12: 14:24:00
sorry - it must seem as if we're making you the HALibut of our jokes. We're only having pun
HALibut - 2007-07-12: 21:15:00
np, I had it coming, commentose gmv, always bugs me there's no way to delete accidental comments :-( lol
Rossco - 2007-08-10: 15:05:00