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Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: sup-rie-zing
Sentence: according to the carrots, today was going to be the day of their glorious supprising
Etymology: supper, uprising, suprise
Curious that it is the carrots. Everyone knows that brussel sprouts are revolting. - petaj, 2007-07-05: 04:48:00
the pulses usually opt fpr appeasment - galwaywegian, 2007-07-05: 05:58:00
I didn't really hate brussel sprouts until I drank brussel-sprout-flavored soda, which was the nastiest thing I've ever tasted. And I've tasted cigarette ash. - ErWenn, 2007-07-05: 12:38:00
But are sprouts revolting in Brussels? - Clayton, 2007-07-05: 17:49:00
Created by: Lapper
Pronunciation: in-VORS
Sentence: Jane's friends noted that she was invoresing; she had bought over twelve onion novelty items, and had eaten the same amount, in the past half hour.
Etymology: Inverse and -vore
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: engrossed
Sentence: "Lettuce Prey" intoned the minister. "It is so sad that a member of our flock has been engrocered in her vegetable garden.
Etymology: engross + grocery
"Lettuce Prey" intoned the minister. "It is so sad that a member of our flock has been engrocered in her vegetable garden. - petaj, 2007-07-05: 02:58:00
Sigh - petaj, 2007-07-05: 02:58:00
"herd" you the first time - galwaywegian, 2007-07-05: 05:56:00
Can you rephrase that in grosser terms? - Clayton, 2007-07-05: 06:46:00
Why, I artichoke you, but I'm too busy munching on my freshly picked lettuce. - purpleartichokes, 2007-07-05: 07:23:00
At least lettuce isn't as cucumbersome to manipulate grammatically. ;D - Kyoti, 2007-07-05: 13:37:00
I love a gramma pie. - petaj, 2007-07-06: 02:18:00
Created by: Starzie
Pronunciation: Munch-ology
Sentence: Ingrid studied Munchology in college and was constantly consumed by any food item that was put in front of her.
Etymology: Munchology: The engrossed studying of eating and thus one becomes consumed by food and eating anything.
Shhhh.. don't tell anyone but I majored in Munchology too. - MisUndrstd, 2007-07-05: 20:13:00
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: food-ish
Sentence: My son has an artichoke foodish. He arranges the leaves on his plate in a lovely flower pattern prior to eating them.
Etymology: fetish, food
Didn't I submit this word a long time ago? - ErWenn, 2007-07-05: 12:44:00
Wow. You sure did! I guess it only picks up duplicates from the day's word? Hey, you got 29 pts for it. I didn't get any :( Sorry 'bout that ErWenn. I'll try to think of something else. - purpleartichokes, 2007-07-05: 13:53:00
OK - changed. Hope no one already did this one, you can only change your word once now. - purpleartichokes, 2007-07-05: 14:24:00
What's the big deal? We don't own these things. A couple of weeks ago I used 'youthanasia' on the Monday and somebody used the same word for the Thursday puzzle of the same week. I'm 100% sure it was innocently done then and also here. - Stevenson0, 2007-07-05: 20:42:00
I wasn't actually offended that you picked the same word. Just surprised. In fact, I had to go look it up to make sure that it wasn't somebody else who came up with that word. I didn't expect you to change your word. Also, since my word was "grubsess" and yours was "grubsessed," I don't think the automatic thingy would catch it anyway. - ErWenn, 2007-07-05: 21:39:00
Created by: ziggy41
Pronunciation: Swal-low-mane
Sentence: It is a weird and rare phenomenon, to be swallomeined, of course it does have benefits... cannibalism has never been more popular, or tasty!
Etymology: Swallow (to consume) + lo mein (a common Chinese food dish)
Created by: katrina
Pronunciation: fa-gil-ion
Sentence: I was fadilioned by my apple
i like this word - katrina, 2007-07-07: 17:02:00
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: nawsh-iv-ay-shun
Sentence: The forensics team determined that death by noshivation had taken place. When they found her body wrapped up in lettuce leaves it actually looked very comfy and cosy, despite the splatters of ranch salad dressing on the walls and floor.
Etymology: the state of being noshed or consumed
Created by: weyrlady
Pronunciation: wa-food-eat
Sentence: Sadly, Farmer Bob had already been whafoodeeted by the time the state troopers arrived on the scene.
Etymology: Ardent meat lovers have a saying when it comes to vegetables - "That's not food, that's what food eats!" It's always made me laugh, anyway.
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈanˌθelm/
Sentence: After eating nothing but carrots for a week, the yellow tint of his skin betrayed the fact that he was slowly being anthelmed by them.
Etymology: From Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, who originally said "Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es," ("Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are,") from which we get the phrase "You are what you eat."
you're a very smart guy ErWenn - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-05: 13:15:00
Would it decrease your opinion of my intelligence to learn that I only know this quote because it shows up at the beginning of every episode of Iron Chef? - ErWenn, 2007-07-05: 21:37:00
- 2008-04-20: 02:43:00