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Created by: bubbos
Pronunciation: Me-ta-mor-phi-gest
Sentence: With the new Hollywood diet, Sally eventually metamorphigested into air.
Etymology: Metamorphosis + digest
Created by: HALibut
Pronunciation: aw-tuh-vĭt-oo-uh-mawr-fuh-sis
Sentence: Growing up his mother forced him to eat so many vegetables he was always afraid he would autovictuamorphosize into a turnip.
Etymology: < Gk autós (self) + victu (nourishment) + mórphōsis (to shape)
Why is it that turnips are so inherently funny? Carrots and cabbage can make a good joke, but it's hard to make a bad joke if it has the word "turnip" in it. - ErWenn, 2007-07-05: 12:40:00
One of life's mysteries - HALibut, 2007-07-05: 13:20:00
I dunno, I think rutabagas are funnier that turnips. And bok choy is a gut buster, no matter how you slice it. ;D - Kyoti, 2007-07-05: 13:21:00
Artichokes are no laughing matter, however. - Clayton, 2007-07-05: 17:44:00
Purple artichokes can be, though. - mplsbohemian, 2007-07-05: 19:45:00
However, it is better to be a turnip then a squash... just saying! - MisUndrstd, 2007-07-05: 20:10:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: sup-rie-zing
Sentence: according to the carrots, today was going to be the day of their glorious supprising
Etymology: supper, uprising, suprise
Curious that it is the carrots. Everyone knows that brussel sprouts are revolting. - petaj, 2007-07-05: 04:48:00
the pulses usually opt fpr appeasment - galwaywegian, 2007-07-05: 05:58:00
I didn't really hate brussel sprouts until I drank brussel-sprout-flavored soda, which was the nastiest thing I've ever tasted. And I've tasted cigarette ash. - ErWenn, 2007-07-05: 12:38:00
But are sprouts revolting in Brussels? - Clayton, 2007-07-05: 17:49:00
Created by: iamthesexcninon
Pronunciation: vick-tate-id
Sentence: After all these years of being told, "Eat your vegetables!" I stopped listening to my mother when the celery victated me.
Etymology: Victim, ate, eliminated
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: con/sum/ated
Sentence: After falling into a batch of boiling consomme, he became consommated.
Etymology: consume + consomme + ate
Stock up on boullion...good word! - Nosila, 2009-07-16: 01:20:00
Created by: weareallbeautiful
Pronunciation: r-uh-v-er-s-kuhn-soo-mm-d
Sentence: Mary burst into tears as she realized that her rabbit had been reverseconsumed by the carrot she had given it.
Etymology: From the word reverse meaning opposite which comes from the latin root reversus meaning to turn back and the word consume meaning to eat or devour from the latin root consumere meaning to use up, eat or waste
Created by: newspapertragedy
Pronunciation: munch-ers-munch-ee-muncher-is-tics
Sentence: After Alic's carrote suffered from Muchersmuchemucheristics (MMM) she was consumed by what she was eating.
Etymology: I really like the word munch?
Created by: cassandra1315
Pronunciation: sup-et-er
Sentence: He is too supeter.
- 2008-04-20: 02:43:00