Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A specialized inability, or area of "chosen incompetency", based on an individual's need to avoid certain unpleasant tasks. v. To avoid responsibility by claiming incompetence.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: hannn dee kap
Sentence: No matter what the situation, he always managed to have a handycap handy
Etymology: handicap, handy
Does he get a special parking spot? Good Word. - Nosila, 2009-10-13: 10:15:00
love it!! - mweinmann, 2009-10-13: 23:34:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: yəkdək
Sentence: Ron is a very happy person. A good part of this is because he is very skilled at avoiding unpleasant situations and tasks. Whenever his mom comes up with something ugly or disgusting that needs to be done, Ron can yuckduck it in a flash. Like the proverbial ninja, he seems to be able to hide in his own shadow. The phrase of **where did that boy go?** is often heard in his household.
Etymology: yuck (exclamation used to express strong distaste or disgust) + duck (evade or avoid)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: dum essss tik
Sentence: he was so dumbesthick that he became dumbesthickhated
Etymology: dumb thick domestic
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: SHIRK-mast-e-ree
Sentence: Neville Nogood's shirkmastery was his inability to stop gagging when the prospect of cleaning the toilet became likely.
Etymology: shirk (evade responsibility) + mastery (consumate skill)
Is that Upta's brother? - Alchemist, 2007-03-29: 07:11:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: sel act ivi tees
Sentence: "How is it your selactivities defy logic?" Mary asked her family. "I work all day and come home to a mess. For instance, You, my son, Freddie, can pull apart and reassemble a car engine in ten minutes flat, but do not know how to replace the toilet roll or paper towel holders. You, my daughter, Susie, can shop until you drop at the Mall for things you don't need, but cannot find the grocery store and get something for supper. And, You, John, my aerospace husband, can design and utilize the Canadarm for NASA, but do not know how to operate a vacuum or lawnmower!"
Etymology: Selective ( tending to select; characterized by careful choice) & Activities (exertions of energy or states or qualities of being active)
Love it! Every family has a selactist! - lumina, 2008-06-18: 12:29:00
Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-19: 05:36:00
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /GAP-ti-tood/
Sentence: When George got home from work, the digital clocks were all blinking. "There was a power outage," said Angie. George had shown her how to set the clocks many times, but she had a real gaptitude for programming any sort of electronic device. Then she said, "Oh, and please set the TV to record my soap-opera, that dancing show, Big Brother..." etc. As George was finishing that he said, "You know it's not actually the TV that's doing the recording, right?" For a moment, she just looked perplexed. Then he couldn't see her face, because the power went out again.
Etymology: Gap - a lack of confidence or understanding, perceived as creating a problem (from Old Norse, gap "chasm") + Aptitude - capability; ability; innate or acquired capacity for something; talent (from Latin, aptus "joined, fitted") [Gaptitude - a certain lack of ability]
Perfectly funny! - lumina, 2008-06-18: 12:30:00
nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-18: 16:58:00
Very good. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-19: 05:50:00
Created by: sedatedeyes209
Pronunciation: tahsk-knee-see-yah
Sentence: My husband's tasknesia sets in whenever I ask him to mow the lawn.
Etymology: task+amnesia
like it! - galwaywegian, 2007-03-29: 06:39:00
Created by: ekath
Pronunciation: chore-allergic
Sentence: hes both chorallergic to weeding and allergic to the flowers. garden duty isn't a very good assignment for him.
Etymology: chore + allergic
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: ha BIT u al LOAF er
Sentence: "Buuut unno how dado dat"! He habitualoafted his way out of the recycling detail. Wearing bamboo, "green planet" - boasting clothing was his way of saving Earth. (For this habitualoafer, environmentalism had become a fashion trend devoid of activism).
Etymology: From: "habitual liar" and loafer.
Good word...I had already spent my votes today, but like your word! - Nosila, 2009-10-14: 02:37:00