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DEFINITION: n. A pile of used and discarded tissues; may constitute a bio-hazard. v. To drop a used tissue on to the floor beside your bed or chair, because you are so sick you can barely move.
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Created by: Biscotti
Pronunciation: buh-gur-tun
Sentence: When he was sick with the flu, John's room turned into a small boogerton. He had gotten so sick he could barely move; and even when he was better, he still couldn't move from all the dirty tissues on the floor.
Etymology: booger + ton (to make it seem like a small village or town)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: vi-RAL-a-sis
Sentence: Although Kevin was in danger of asphyxiation by tissue, his viralysis was total and he could do nothing more than drop another tissue onto the sodden snotscape.
Etymology: viral + paralysis
Brilliant...quite "snoty" analysis of the "paralysis" :) - kashman, 2008-03-10: 13:00:00
this word really grows on you - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 16:57:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: flem flam
Sentence: When Oscar phoned in sick again, his boss, Mr. Ness, became suspicious and sent someone over to see what was happening. Instead of flimflam, this time Oscar really did have Phlegmflam and was surrounded in a pile of dirty tissues. His boss soon was sorry to doubt Oscar, as his agent not only got infected himself, but gave it to the boss on his report. After that he was known as Mr. Ill Ness!
Etymology: Phlegm (sputum;expectorated matter; saliva mixed with discharges from the respiratory passages) & Flam (A lie or hoax; a deception or Nonsense; drivel). Wordplay on FlimFlam (a swindle in which you cheat)
Created by: bigveg
Pronunciation: snot-sam
Sentence: Bill was astonished by the amount of snotsam that could accumulate in just one night.
Etymology: snot: the stuff you put on a tissue flotsam: wreckage which can wash ashore
HA! Love it! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-10: 06:52:00
Perfect! - ErWenn, 2008-03-10: 09:47:00
you can really pick em. - petaj, 2008-03-10: 09:52:00
excellent - galwaywegian, 2008-03-10: 11:03:00
Great creation! - Jamagra, 2008-03-10: 13:12:00
you should feel floating yourself after picking this great one :) - kashman, 2008-03-10: 13:13:00
clever - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 16:56:00
Yep, you picked a winner! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-10: 18:30:00
Created by: zabxuq
Pronunciation: tiss-sp_u
Sentence: The flu was simply too much. Fixing his own lunch was out of the question. With barely enough energy to tisspew, Gil could do nothing but wait for chicken soup reinforcements to arrive under their own power.
Etymology: Tisspew: v. combination of tissue: a thin gauzy paper + spew: eject or cast away.
Souper! - Nosila, 2009-01-02: 18:06:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: tok sik way ssst
Sentence: He drifted back into conciousness with the worrying news that the tocsickwaste beside the couch appeared to be moving. thoughts of a new mutant virus were quelled when he noticed the face of his pet chihuahua looking up throught the gunge filled kleenex.
Etymology: toxic waste, sick.
poor chihuahua probably had a very glossy coat after that experience - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 13:28:00
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: snot-zone
Sentence: Seeing Bob lying there with a cesspool of snot rags beside him, Sue knew what she had to do. She quickly donned her self-contained breathing apparatus and fully encapsulated Level A suit, entered the snotzone, and began to gingerly pluck the mucousy mess from the floor.
Etymology: hot zone (in HAZMAT response, the area of contamination), snot
hee hee - you beat me to it! - libertybelle, 2008-03-10: 09:30:00
gross, but funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-10: 13:26:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: flem boy ansee
Sentence: Even when deathly ill, Marcus exuded a certain phlegmbuoyancy. Although he felt he was on death's doorknob, he wore his silk pyjamas and monogrammed silk robe, along with his designer slippers. He used not paper hankies or toilet paper to remove his mucus, but a supply of monogrammed silk handkerchiefs, which his butler gathered up to send to the CDC in Atlanta. Marcus reclined on his chaiselongue, under a mink throw and suffered through this ague. With a full table of aspirin, cough syrups and decongestants, everything that modern medicine could afford was laid out at his bedside. His butler brought him hot toddies in gold or silver goblets and had steamy moisture piped into his sick room. He winced when his doctor had told him he had the Common could that happen to one of such superior breeding? Beside his bed lay one of the classic books he currently read, called Great Expectorations, printed in its original Phlegmish language!
Etymology: Phlegm (nasal mucus) & Buoyancy (cheerfulness that bubbles to the surface;irrepressible liveliness and good spirit;the property of something weightless and insubstantial) Flamboyancy (richly and brilliantly colorful;elaborately or excessively ornamented)
Eleveating the common cold to the royal pain it truly is! The grandiose elevated to the grandinose! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-02: 07:43:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: tiss - yew - iss - yew
Sentence: Darrell realized he had a major somewhat dangerous tissuissue with the growing pile of soiled kleenex but he felt too lousy to make the necessary effort to rectify it.
Etymology: combination of tissue and issue
Nice! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-10: 18:35:00
Rhymes are fun, fits the definition, it's a great one! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-10: 23:02:00
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈsnɑt ˈɹægnəˌɹɑk/
Sentence: Since she lived alone, every time she got sick, her entire house turned into a snot ragnarok, and they had to call in the biohazard squad to dig her out.
Etymology: from: snot rag + Ragnarok
Sounds like Germnobyl all over again! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-10: 21:17:00
It's practically 'Snotterdammerung' in that house! Very creative word. - Tigger, 2008-03-10: 23:56:00
Verbotomy - 2008-03-10: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-05-19: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James