Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To seek approval from your boss by emulating their style, mannerisms or affectations. n. A person who copies their boss's style in order to win favor.
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Created by: Mrgoodtimes
Pronunciation: Bran - d - pos - er
Sentence: "Bob the Bootlicker" was multitalented to be sure, full time brown-noser and brandposer, if only he could put that kind of effort into his car washing.
Etymology: Brand - poser (sounds like brown noser)
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: kwiz-LECT-oh-nose
Sentence: Mickey was already known to be the boss's puppy, following a step behind her, eating the same tasteless gluten-free bagels and wearing the same kevlar running shoes she had imported from Communist China, but everyone's collective jaws dropped open when she came to work with the same poorly-executed hairstyle and dollar-store sunglasses worn by our demented supervisor. Her secret nickname was forever changed from "The Wedge" to....QUISLECTONOSE ! She would rat out her comrades, applaud every hare-brained idea generated by management and now...gradually begin to resemble the wicked witch of the west. When a new director came to power after a Somali warlord-like interdepartmental coup d'etat, Mickey changed her appearance faster than an axis collaborator on the run. Now it was time to QUISLECTONOSE the new boss.....
Etymology: QUISling+refLECTion+brownNOSE=QUISLECTONOSE___quisling: traitor; particularly one who collaborates or panders to superiors_____reflection:to redirect something that strikes a surface, especially light or hairstyles, mennerisms,etc.usually back toward its cretin of origin_____(brown) nose:To curry favor with in an obsequious manner; fawn on_____thus:QUISLECTONOSE
A cool work count tool for anybody who cares: - metrohumanx, 2008-08-07: 18:18:00
Good one. I'm often wanted to used Quisling in a verboticism. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-08: 01:10:00
Thanx Obob- quisling was a bit of a ....s t r e t c h ! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-08: 09:00:00
Created by: CharlieB
Pronunciation: cop-ee-kad
Sentence: Frank's very crafty. He knows he'll never get to be manager of Knights Property unless Bob Knight approves it. So he wears the same style suits and drinks the same coffe. Bob thinks Frank's a mate, but behind Frank's smile is a heart of steel and obsessive ambition. Frank will do what it takes. He's a copycad.
Etymology: copycat (a person who copies another) + cad (one who behaves in a dishonourable way, a bounder)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: pan/der/ox
Sentence: With a vice-president position available, individuals being considered for the position panderox the boss at every possible opportunity. The secretaries have a chart keeping track of who is the biggest panderoxing fool.
Etymology: PANDEROX - PANDER + XEROX - verb - from PANDER (To cater to the tastes and desires of others) + XEROX (to copy, reproduce, or duplicate)
indupitably, what a pandora's box we weave. good word. - scrabbelicious, 2008-08-07: 09:52:00
original and clever - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-08: 01:08:00
I once saw a panderox in an asian zoo. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-08: 07:09:00
Created by: Wordotwist
Pronunciation: boss si ple kate
Sentence: Anne bossiplicated the actions of her employer in everything she did;from copying his dressing style to the way she spoke - yet hasn't dared till date to frown like him!
Etymology: bossiplicate = boss + replicate
Created by: lumina
Pronunciation: brown/co/zer
Sentence: Because John refused to suck up to the boss, he was once again passed up for a promotion only HE was qualified for. Yes, it went to yet another browncozer with season tickets to the boss's fave team events.
Etymology: brownnoser: (Must I really go there?) :) Cozy:1. Snug, comfortable, and warm. 2. Marked by friendly intimacy.
Hahahaha. (LOL) good one! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-08: 07:19:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: ed-MUN-do-ROS-ape
Sentence: Roxie wanted to edmundorosape Mr Sanchez so perfectly, even to his love of Latin-American dancing, that she began to learn to cha-cha.
Etymology: EDMUNDO ROS: the leader, the most important person, (rythming slang, Edmundo Ros = boss, from Edmundo Ros(b 1910), a popular Latin American band leader) & APE: A dupe. to mimic, as an ape imitates human actions; to imitate or follow servilely or irrationally; a dupe.
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: em + yoo + flayt
Sentence: No 2% raise is worth the amount of emuflating I'd have to do to get it.
Etymology: emulate & inflate
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: käpēkāt
Sentence: CopyKate wants so much to be like her boss that it hurts. The trouble is that her budget for the extravagant is nowhere near his. He wears European designer suits and drives a top-of-the-line Fiat. She wears knockoffs and drives a counterfiat, a Ford Fiesta with an after-market simulant grill. The shaved head wasn’t difficult to pull off. The chest hair may take some doing.
Etymology: duplicate (exactly like something else, esp. through having been copied) + Kate (woman’s name) A play on copycat
Created by: sanssouci
Pronunciation: ek o hed
Sentence: "Sara thought that Sally, her new manager was stylish, clever and beautiful. In a vain attempt to get Sally to notice her,Sara set about becoming an echohead. Maybe that would make Sally realise how similar the both were?"
Etymology: Echo - a sound heard again near its source after being reflected. 2. A Person who reflects or imitates another. mid-14c.,personified as a mountain nymph, from ekhe "sound." The verb is from 1550s. Head - a person at the top, to whom others are subordinate, as the director of an institution or the manager of a department, the boss
Verbotomy - 2007-06-14: 01:10:00
Office politics. You know it's a game. You understand the players. You've got a strategy. Now it's time to take action with Timothy Johnson's GUST -- even if that means shaving your head. Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram and Timothy! ~ James
purpleartichokes - 2007-06-14: 18:10:00
Love the artwork today James! Very funny!
Verbotomy - 2007-06-14: 18:17:00
Thanks purple! And cheers to remistram for thinking of such a funny idea. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2007-06-14: 18:27:00
By the way, Robert J. Sawyer, winner of Hugo and Nebula best novel awards, will be our featured author at Verbotomy next week. More details to follow... Check out Rob's website at ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-01-08: 00:44:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James