Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To enjoy, or derive physical pleasure from, the eating of sweets and other sugared substances -- often leads to over-consumption. n. Pleasure derived from the consumption of sweets.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: jboehnker
Pronunciation: pay' stree gaz' em
Sentence: Mary was disgusted at witnessing Bob in the full throes of a pastrygasm, yet she couldn't deny that part of her was incredibly jealous.
Etymology: pastry + orgasm
Created by: gorillo
Pronunciation: shu'-gasm
Sentence: This cake is so good I had a sugasm.
Etymology: sugar+orgasm
Created by: erasmus
Pronunciation: can dad ict
Sentence: he ate so many sweets he was a candadict.
Etymology: from candy and addict.
Created by: aleclair
Sentence: The sucrobsessed man decided it was his prime duty that weekend not to repair the car, but to acquire a pound of Hersheys' Kisses.
Etymology: Sucrobsessed is an adjective. The verb form is sucrobsess, and the noun form is sucrobsession. The word is derived from sucrose, the scientific name for sugar - and obsess.
Created by: janedoe
Pronunciation: dahy-uh-swee-teez
Sentence: Hide the chocolate! I've got a note from my doctor and serious case of diasweeties.
Etymology: From Latin, Greek: Diabetes; American: trans fat.
Created by: mdschermer
Pronunciation: su-cro-mi-NAC-i-ty
Sentence: I know my sucrominacity is clogging up my arteries, but this dessert is just too good to pass up.
Etymology: sucrose: sugar + minacity: disposition to threaten.
wyzowl - 2006-12-15: 01:28:00
Gluttony has made it so. Eating at any time in excess of your body needs is gluttony.
Fleury - 2006-12-15: 02:36:00
Yes, I used 'overindolcevita' for already. Sorry, but it just seemed so apt for this one as well.
loosepiece - 2006-12-15: 07:24:00
i spelled my word wrong! how do i change it?
- 2006-12-15: 07:50:00
Verbotomy - 2006-12-15: 11:27:00
Hi Loosepeice, We are adding a VSEC (Verboticism Spelling, Editing and Correction) feature this weekend... ~ James
warped - 2006-12-15: 12:51:00
aw, someone already made "Gluephoria"...why can I never think of something original? It always seems like someone beats me to the punch...I guess I should get up earlier. :D
warped - 2006-12-15: 12:53:00
btw, There's no way to change/retract a word, is there?
Verbotomy - 2006-12-15: 13:07:00
Hi warped, Not yet... but soon! ~ James
aly22 - 2006-12-15: 15:23:00
Seems the early verb catches the worm voting wise, eh?
ArosaMike - 2006-12-17: 18:55:00
Woohoo! I made a 100% unique word :D Get in ;)
Carla - 2010-12-11: 06:50:00
Works well as a noun, but as a verb...?
duktoreks - 2016-12-09: 00:20:00
“> “>
duktoreks - 2016-12-09: 00:22:00